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FreeDive Podcast
Balderdash: Marketing Edition
In this lively and unfiltered episode of the FreeDive Podcast, the creative core four team dives into a game of Balderdash with a marketing twist! From hilariously real slogans to creating our own, we explore the fine line between clever marketing and just plain absurd. Tune in for laughs, insights into creative strategy, and a reminder that marketing doesn't always have to be serious.
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we are now recording wait what she's gone she disappeared
literally it starts recording and you disappear my head hurts already Anna Lynn will you introduce this thing welcome everyone back welcome to the free dive podcast everybody it's gonna be a little bit unhinged because it's is back it is the core four the core four is back the free part of free dive is going to be highly emphasized today yes very free hang in there guys it's going to be worth it I promise it may be an entire podcast of blooper real real stuff but you know yeah yeah so you're welcome you're welcome we're back we're back today with Deb and Dan analy and myself and we have a really fun game planned and if this goes well we're gonna keep on doing it so get excited uh games are fun marketing should not be serious all the time and I think it's hysterical that bill actually was like you guys should do more podcasts where you're just you know talking and having fun and show that side of our agency and we're like you don't need to tell us twice like we were just waiting for that challenge accepted accepted with this one podcast be like okay we met our quota let's right let's never do that again that famous last words is all I was thinking so oh okay what you wish for we now have permission it can never be rescinded like it's done it's done I already feel like this is just going to be super unhinged and we're just going to go with it so here's the here's the game plan everybody um we're going to do marketing Baler Dash situation featuring silly marketing slogans so I have come up with a list of marketing slogans that are a little bit uh some of them are silly some of them are not some of them are wild and uh everyone else is going to come up with their own they're going to DM me their answer and then we're going to read all four of them out and everyone's going to vote on which one is real and then we will reveal rinse and repeat sound good I love it I think that's actually the biggest thing is that all the ones you have are real like these AR on we made up like that these actually exist I know and when I went through them I'm like I don't know which ones to pick like even right now I'm like which one am I gonna start with so um you're gonna be timed so get ready um I have my timer ready all right you guys ready for the first one I think so ready as we're gonna be write me a slogan for a car rental company your time starts
now wow somebody's typing very inspired Le that would be me
oh I'm trying to decide if I want to be funnier if I want to win I know [Music] that's the alarm no I don't have
anything you were eight seconds over
guys can we edit it so it seem so it looks like we got it in a minute yes because this will be a really long podcast of us just smoke coming out of our
ears all right what do you think about using chat GPT if you don't know if you don't know what to do who says I'm not already doing that oh I think that's a great idea ideas you didn't make ideas because later on we can like reveal what the chat gbt answers were and then judge chat gbt just for the fun of
it it's a good idea because if chat gbt isn't funny then it's just like hey we're actually kind of good yeah right and if it is funny then we just we'll just skip that part it's it'll be a good test if if AI is really going to take our jobs at being
funny I feel pretty secure about that I do too I feel pretty secure I mean look at this group seriously like you cannot AI this no this is real eye y'all this is not this is real this is real ey
you guys are so overtime so overtime is not kicked in yet I'm not over mine is lame that's all so yeah mine is two I'm just gonna I'm just gonna call it
yeah okay I'm sending it oh shoot I put sent it in the wrong one don't look nobody look
did you guys see it I did no I just saw her name pop up and I stopped [Applause]
looking oh my God oh my word so afraid okay how many times is this gonna happen this episode H for for the audience we we were like do not send to the group chat
it's okay analine all right all right all of the results are in let me review them quickly are we gonna be like voting for the one that we think is real yes so you need to listen to all all four of them and then you need to vote on which one you think is is right okay so do we send that to you like number one number two number three or do we say it I think we should say think probably be more for pod if we actually let see what let's see what we think okay all right for our audience this whole podcast is gonna be us texting each other it'll be our highest R you guys aren't part of and laughing and laughing but you won't know what we're laughing aten which is basically how we work this whole podcast is just a test anyway so all right here's your first option for a um a car rental company drive it like you own it then again maybe not the second one take us for a spin the third one get the ride of your life no strings attached and the last one we're number two so we try [Laughter]
harder that one is my favorite one I don't care if it's real or not yes that's awesome there should be points for what we think and for our would it be helpful would it be helpful if I put them all in the chat for you to see them all or oh yeah for us visual people who already forgot what the first one was although we are gonna know what Anna ly is so no she deleted it oh okay yeah I did what if I put them in the Podcast chat would that be okay yeah where's
that it pop up in a the first one like well it was the last one did you put them in oh they're the Podcast chat not the not our group chat who's going first doesn't matter who goes first oh I feel like take us for a spin is something that someone would actually like okay for a slogan but it's so boring sorry if anybody wrote it but it's so
like it seems expected so I I feel like it's real but I don't like it I like the Weir number two so we try harder that one is my favorite so so which is your vote for which is real
H you know what I'm going to go with word number two so we try harder just because I want to
so I'm going to go with the same one because I think based on our joint reaction that we all laugh so hard at that one I don't think any of us wrote it that's a good point that's a good point I to so that's that's me analyzing the situation that's what I do Deb the analyzer I think that's the real and it's it's brilliant somebody had a sense of humor and I think vote I I'm I'm I am now going for number one because I am also an analyst and I appreciate how devb explained that I was going for number four because I feel like that is something that somebody would put out there it's just like that one company that's just like they don't get where the lion is so they just instead of you know playing playing near it they just they just went for it it yeah but um yeah I'm going to have to go with number one okay all which is do we need to reread it like do they know which one we're saying is number one so the everyone is voting for uh we're number two so we try harder and that is the correct response hey that is the brand for um Avis it was created in the 1960s when Avis was second to Herz this slogan position Herz as Scrappy Underdog incar rentals I I love that that came out of the 60s yeah I yeah right wow that's phenomenal I did insult someone when I said I didn't like no so so I please still be I did that no way like I said I I was in between like should I be funny or should I try to actually win this and I got so stuck in between that I couldn't come up with anything good and as soon as I sent I was just like that is lame so I thought you were the drive it like you own it that sounded like that that was you wow this is great so I was the one that crossed the line I feel like that's not a surprise to anybody love because if I owned an agency I totally would do that bill has to keep like I feel like this this is really good because we're teaching people about how marketing strategy works works and we're going back to about how humor Works true yeah I always want to like go right to the line and maybe over it just a little bit because that's the kind of marketing that works for me that's the kind of stuff that's memorable to me and that I like so I wish more companies did it and I wish we had more clients that we could do it for all right we ready for another one okay this one is should should we time it should we try timing it again yeah okay first of all everyone get open your chat with chrisy not the group chat yes already there we ready that was mainly a message for me I
know all right write me a slogan for a law
firm this is fun I'm glad we're doing
this I did so much better on this one hly we should probably next time not record this at like 9:30 in the morning it's 10:30 here like we have no
excuse except
for all right true yeah I'm waiting on Deb we can do it Deb not to call anybody out but not to call out but but to specifically call someone out don't like to [Laughter] on all right be creative right now do it right now that's not how my brain works you know that okay you guys you guys all you all did fantastic and you're you're amazing okay ready all right so I asked for a slogan for a law firm the first one life is short get a [Laughter] divorce the second one you took the try to not react I know the second one you took the pain we get you the gain the third one because sometimes Google it isn't good legal advice and the fourth one turning your mess into someone else's problem
legally all right I'm going to drop them into the chat so you can look at them
all I feel like any one of those could be
real I feel like I'm trying to remember if I've seen life is short get a divorce before like I feel like like I like I heard heard that and I feel like I saw that on a B on a billboard why I feel like I saw that life is short get a divorce you took the pain we get you the gain because sometimes Google it is isn't good legal advice turning your mess into someone else's problem
legally um I'm going with number one life is short yeah I think life is short I'm on the f now that you say that I'm like I feel like I remember that also yeah and was shocked that that was a [Laughter]
slogan finally I think I'm gonna also go with number one final final Final the answer is life is short get a divorce okay Cory fman and Associates it was a real slogan from a divorce law firm in Chicago that's as eye-catching as it is Darkly humorous I love it that's yeah I feel like reac were like us reactions too because I just started laughing Deb was like are you serious and just like we we need to do that like that's
great the problem is is none of us are good enough actors I know okay so let's try really hard on this next one which which is made clear whenever we're on a meeting and we text each other during the meeting like we can't not react to like you know when they read the message that she said I'm awful so
bad okay we ready for another one no I don't want to do that yeah give me a slogan for dog food
that's the time I don't like the
timer shortest minute
ever all right great job guys all right I asked for a slogan for dog food the first one here for dogs who think they're human and eat like it
too food so good they'll forget your
shoes it's like your mom made it but better
and because fluffy don't want no fluff in his
food okay those are your
four I like food so good they'll forget your shoes that was exactly I'm gonna vote for that one yeah same here number two which one food so good your shoes so good they'll forget your shoes
yeah I'm GNA go number one for dogs who think they're human and eat like it
too locked in answers guys yeah I'm secretly hoping it's number the answer is hilarious you're hoping for
what I'm I'm hoping it's it's like your mom made it but better because that's hilarious it is in fact it's like your mom made it but better gravy train dog food with a slogan like this some players might guess it's a home cooking brand or even a comfort food restaurant that's awesome that is great I really liked the fluffy don't want no fluffing his food though that that was Dan that had to be Dan I knew it was you I like that much I was secretly hoping that was it
I feel like we're good at this game guys I like so too this was fun yeah this is this is pretty good I feel like I I'm very eager to see analytics on this
episode if we get a client from this I'm gonna feel really validated actually yeah same same like as Kevin Burns would say put in the comments like did you like this episode what should we do next time what was your favorite slogan what was your favorite right what's the craziest one you've heard actually don't tell us that because maybe we'll save it for a future episode privately DM me about that I don't like asking people to privately DM me but in this case well they'd be privately dming C points not you I always have to clarify that don't find me don't look up Christie you can
point you know what I meant you should know what I
meant okay I think next time I think someone else should be the host so that I can play probably me so that we keep it PG and absolutely not I think you need to
play I will host Play There are a handful of as as edgy as they were that could actually be slogan I agree because if I mean if they were if they were from like the 60s or something then it's like no that like this is definitely like you but like if it's if it's a now slogan like there are plenty of companies that have slogans that push the envelope like that yeah and like these could be very well
legitimate yeah I think a lot of the ones that we did I'm wondering if it would be more on hinge to invite more people from the team to do this with us or if that would just be way to bill would be hysterical yeah but we may also get
fired we have to see if get fired or the podcast will get cancelled which is it like you know as much eye crossed the line he would like pull balls over it so it would make editing hard yeah it's partly why we're there' be nothing usable leaving bill out of this round in this round and this [Laughter] round why was here I feel like if we had Kevin on here we would totally scandalize he'd be it would be like I don't know if he'd recover but I think it would also be good for him oh yeah if we had him and Bill like had the six of us oh you know what is occurring to me in this moment this would be a really good thing to do as a live episode oh yeah yes except we'd have to stick to the timer yes yes right right now we're broken in weok but I have been trying to think of what would make a good live episode would make a fantastic live episode I don't know though because we'd probably have to hit the HR button quite a few times for Bill yeah that's fine it would also be like a good like live onboarding for a new like employee in
cpoint you you can watch them and then they don't come make it we can make it part of the onboarding process to watch this video can you survive We're Not Gonna Take your head shot or your interview till you watch this and you're still ready to come work for us be part of their interview process like we're
gonna and if you survive this like your performance on this is going to weigh into whether or not we bring you on board maybe record them watching it so we get or whether they watch into it board exactly right some people can't hack it and that's
okay well this this has been fun I cannot wait to do this again we're going to do this again and good job everybody yeah if no one watches it I don't even really care this is for us so all right well until you all see us again next time thank you for putting up with this and I hope you enjoyed and we'll catch you next time bye goodbye bye