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FreeDive Podcast
What 9 Years of Matterport Taught Us: Kristy's Inside Story
In this special anniversary episode of the FreeDive Podcast, we celebrate nine incredible years of offering Matterport services at Seapoint Digital. Guest host Anna sits down with Matterport technician Kristy to explore the joys, challenges, and transformative power of this cutting-edge technology.
🔑 What to Expect in This Episode:
- What IS Matterport? Kristy breaks down the ins and outs of Matterport cameras and virtual tours.
- A Look Back: Hear Kristy’s personal journey, from nervous beginnings to becoming a master of virtual tours.
- The Highs and Lows: Learn about the joys of creating unique tours, like private jets and museums, and the struggles of navigating challenges as a woman in the field.
- Why Hire a Pro? Discover the value of expert-led Matterport services over DIY options.
- Behind the Scenes: Fascinating anecdotes from Kristy’s work, including tackling the largest LED-lit indoor ropes course in North America!
Whether you're curious about the technology, considering virtual tours for your business, or just love a good behind-the-scenes story, this episode has something for you.
Tune in as we mark nine years of innovation, passion, and making spaces come alive through Matterport!
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welcome to the free dive podcast I am your guest host Anna welcome Anna welcome Kristy thank you for being on the podcast thank you for hosting today you're very welcome uh I have no clue what I'm doing so I'm just going to be myself and see what happens love it okay so it's your 9ye anniversary of doing matterport yes right congratulations than so much that's a long time like we'll have to do something very special for your 10 year yes for sure yes y um okay so that's really special how long have you been doing this total is it N9 years total or did you do this before the company our company's been doing it for N9 years and we we so we are the first in New England the first company in New England to be doing matterport and we started relatively soon after it launches a company I don't remember when it started um but we were the first in this area to be doing it um so I started with the team maybe a year or two math is hard after that so um I've been doing it for maybe eight close to eight years anyway yeah okay so I know nothing about matterport like the very first time I even heard of it was when I started working here so what is it I please fill me in on everything matterport most people in my life don't it's a weird concept so yeah so what a matterport is it's a virtual tour it's a camera that creates matterport is a company and we are a matterport Prov service provider I'm a matterport technician so matterport's also a camera and it creates virtual tours so it could be of um anything it could be of for Real Estate it could be for construction um it could be for retail it could be for Hospitality anything this camera creates a virtual experience of the inside of a building generally and then it also pulls still photography it also maps and measures floor plans like two-dimensional floor plans or three-dimensional floor plans for like AutoCAD that kind of thing so it does a lot it's like a little measuring machine in addition to creating these virtual experiences and photography so it does a lot in one very cool I didn't know any of that so will it pull like the square footage of a room for you wow that's really cool that would be very helpful for I could see that in retail and construction yep yep we often get not retail well even for retail I do get I do get requests for floor plans with the retail jobs that I do okay yeah very cool yeah so is that like the same um kind of machine that during the pandemic the museums were like doing virtual tours yeah the same a museum during the pandemic really very cool which museum uh a local one the KY just this one here so cool yeah that's awesome okay so you explained to me it's a company the company is matterport their product is the mat matterport camera that's what they make right so you're a technician for the matterport company do they have any competitors are they the only one that does this I don't even know uh to my so if there are they're not anything big um but generally when people search for virtual tours Matterport is what comes up and so that's how people find us when they Google that they find matterport searching for virtual tours and then they find us in this area Okay okay so I think did you mention that you could get referrals from them too like people that don't know about you can request from them like who's near me that I could use generally our like my jobs come in through either uh directly from Seapoint's website people search for virtual tours it comes in through Seapoint or I at this point I've been doing it so long I get referrals from other customers uh but like you said um if people search through uh matterport directly and say hey I need a technician matterport will then be like okay someone your area is here contact Seapoint digital they'll hook you up so that's a little bit more rare people usually just contact us directly but yeah cool good to know you've been doing this a long time what do you like but also dislike about doing matterport yeah
um it's kind of like the program's kind of like my child it's like I've been doing it for so long and um it's special to me because it's a very specialized type of Photography like it's not it's not like being a normal photographer like just anybody I've done wedding photography being a wedding photographer is like everyone does that it's not super special this is a very Niche type of work and so um to really kind of Master these skills and and making really fun tours feels extra special um probably my favorite thing is um delivering to my clients and making them happy because I've had just so many occasions when um because our turnaround is really fast like that's like I pride myself in really fast turnaround and people are always just super happy with that they get the tour back um within 24 hours and they're always just like wow that is quick turnaround time for photography that's amazing especially for a virtual tour and photography um sometimes they'll pair drone with it um and to get all that back so quickly um it impresses people so I get a lot of positive feedback because of that so um I like making people happy because of that um I get to travel to really cool places um so that can be really fun um I meet a lot of cool people doing it so um nice yeah it's just really it's just a special type of Niche work yeah super unique very exting yeah what about the dislikes like anything you're just like this is I hate this the most out of all the things I have to do yeah um I think it's I deal with a level of anxiety about traveling to new places especially by myself especially to meet people um that I've never met before I like sometime like I get in the back of my I'm an anxious person so I get in the back of my head sometimes like this could be a trap like it's a trap and you know I think just thinking about being safe like I just being lured out into the middle of the woods and no one knows where I am and I have no soul service and like yeah I was very much thinking about that when we were preparing for this cuz like that was going to lead me into my next question of like what have you experienced any like challenges as a woman in this field yeah but I'm I'm jumping ahead well I'll tie those two together so I will say I will say that that those two things tie together um in the beginning I was not good about I think there's just a lot of growth as a person um in the beginning I was not good about uh like speaking up for myself about like being I I I just feel like I younger christe was not good about being firm was not good about um creating boundaries and often times I would get Cent that would waste my time um and uh you know just for an instance like I get to a job and they wouldn't be ready or um because part of the what I have to do is I need everyone to be completely out of a a a building for me to shoot because it's the nature of it it shoots in 360 no one can be in this room you don't want it to look like Google Maps where someone's walking their dog right you know and they don't yep so everyone has to get out of here and in the beginning I had a hard time being like get out of here like I need to get going and so you know two people would be standing here my time is valuable right they would just be chit chatting and I would just kind of stand kind of mousy like waiting for them to go and over time I had to learn to just be like excuse me you need to leave now I need to get going right and that was really hard for me um and especially just when it came to men um and I got to a certain point where I was like I don't care like like you said my time is valuable I would I just learned how to interrupt people and be like move like politely as professionally as I can but I was I was you know contracted for time here this is my time do you want me to do this job or not get out of here so you know I got better at that I have had a super rare over the years a couple of occasions where I literally did not feel safe around certain um people um and those were very few occasions I never went back to those jobs and it's just like that's just being a woman in the world unfortunately but you know you just learn how to trust your gut in those kind of instances but it is scary like being alone in this house or this property with someone that's making you feel uncomfortable like I don't love that and that could always happen that would be scary for me that could happen anytime especially if I'm doing a job that's out kind of in the middle of the woods or something like so but that's pretty rare it's pretty rare I have over time developed enough clients that I know most of my clients really well by now um if I get new ones like um I try to always let someone know where I'm going so that's smart yeah I've just learned how to how to deal with it but yeah I've just gotten better at being able to um communicate with people and um reclaim my time yeah I'm reclaiming my time this is my time I contracted this time um being able to just kind of be the boss and be like this I'm I'm here I'm doing this you need to move whatever move it or lose it and not just not just move your body but like move this thing um and a great example of that is this I just shoot shot some airplanes and right they literally had to move airplanes where I wanted them to be that is so cool and you know I just had to annoy marshallers to be like please move this entire airplane from here to there wow and you know five F Christy five years ago couldn't have done that I would have just been like I guess it's fine where it is and Christine now is just like yeah you're going to have to move that airplane parallel park this airplane for me and now I weirdly get some kind of satisfaction off of that but you know they're Pleasant about it and Cooperative I could tell they were just like really you're going to make me move this airplane twice like but yeah I mean do you want it to be perfect do you want it to be perfect or not like do you want me to do this the way that it should be or not and that's just what I've had to learn um people get over it but I've had to be better about speaking up yeah yeah I I don't know about you but I feel I think and I feel that that's a universally hard thing for us women to do is to learn to speak up for ourselves and to learn to stop putting up with other people's Shenanigans you know like like get out of here I got to do my job kind of thing because I feel like you you feel a little bit like you're walking this L line of like being bossy equals be or being the boss of your time equals being a jerk but it's not it's like you're just you value your time the way they should value your time for what you're doing right and I think you know unfortunately it's not the same for men it's just not um a man in the same position as me would be respected for asking please move this from here to there yeah yes yes sir right away on it but for little 5 foot tiny Christy you know demanding that it's just kind of like wow you're kind of you're kind of a little bit of a whatever word yeah yeah know I I get that that's unfortunate but I feel like that comes with almost any job as a woman yeah you know yeah I most of the time it is received really well and I am treated with respect and dignity but there just have been a few occasions where people don't like me for it and then they'll get over it and I just I well you probably don't want to work with those people again anyway I just I'm able to deliver really good results because of you know it's do this do you want me to sacrifice quality for because I'm not able to speak up I'm not going to do it right so on that note of quality um that reminds me of a question I wanted to ask you about the difference between someone hiring you to come and do their matterport versus them you know doing a matterport on their phone or buying their own camera and doing it themselves like yeah what's the difference there why is it more valuable to call Christie yeah so over the years um you know matter reports changed a lot they've changed their cameras they've changed their services they've changed the you can have a membership with them and um you know they've up upgraded cameras we went from the pro one to the pro two the pro one didn't do still photos Pro two does um it does the you know I don't remember if the pro one did floor plans or not but now they have the pro I think it's a called a pro three I don't know um and they've all they all have benefits and stuff but um to me the pro two does exactly what it needs to do um but they then start started doing things like shoot your own mport with your phone get a tripod and use your phone and do it yourself and you know to me I think it's not actually saving people it's not saving people time and money um because you still need a matterport membership and that costs you know there's monthly fees you know we as a company we pay monthly fees like we incur costs being a you know a matterport service provider um it costs money to host your tour um and it costs money on the post- production side you know me spending time you know creating your tour and creating your Sals and right that costs my time um so for you to use your phone which is definitely lesser quality which is definitely not creating the same um uh you know um measurements of floor plans accuracy is word I'm looking for oh I see yeah y it's it may have a level of convenience for some people and so they may that may may be worth it but it is very to me I'm like it's it is not more cost I don't see it being more cost effective to hire me to come out um and get your tour back cuz you know I like ride myself in fast turnaround time you know and not just turnaround time but people call me and I get them in as fast as I can sometimes day of and so it is you know to me I'm just like I'll get you in as quick as I can I'll get you your tour back the next day and um it's not super expensive so yeah you're incurring costs of your time you're you're editing yourself you're paying for matterport membership you're paying for matterport hosting and you're getting lesser quality so like to me that I don't understand that sacrifice yeah um it kind of reminds me of like someone who doesn't want to hire a wedding photographer and they just want to have their you know best friend take pictures with their phone like can you do it yes you can do it is it going to look great no right you know like so or even like a scenario with um someone building their own website with like I don't know you know one of those drag and drop makers themselves or having a web development team build them a professional site like yes you can do it and it will be cheaper but yeah is it going to look the way you want it and you know probably not right and those Avenues may work for some people and that's fine um but to me I don't um I don't get the benefit I don't see it um so I guess people just have to make the decisions they want for their business yeah yeah so do you have any particular projects that were like your favorite that you really enjoyed yeah um I I tend to lean more toward enjoying um things like uh like retail and businesses more I mean um real estate can be fun and some of my favorite like one client in particular is from Boston and I've worked with him since the very beginning and like I can just like count on him for um you know him always calling me for jobs um but as far as like just enjoying fun special places those have always been um just really um what's the word I want just unique places for me to get so for instance um I got to do Jordan's Furniture at the mall which was extremely intimidating um I had to have a few meetings before I did that one on and um it took uh we reserved man it was years ago I think we broke it up into two days and we thought we were going to need like four days um and you know when with retail and businesses I I have to shoot them when stores aren't open because I can't get people in the shots I wouldn't have even thought of that so anytime I do retail it's like it's got to be before open or after close and almost every time they want me to do before open so in this case early early in this case I had to get to the mall at I think it was like 3:30 or four it was absurd and they were all like you're really going to make us come here like like you're making me come here ex you chose the time so yeah we a team of us showed up that early and I like I was on the clock like I've got to get all this square footage done by the time they open at 9: or whatever and it was just me and my camera like moving moving moving moving moving and not just moving quickly but making sure I'm mapping and getting everything yeah correctly everything I can't miss a room and the way you know a big old place like that is mapped I could easily be like oh forgot to get that section of this area you know what I mean and so it was complicated um I had to in in PR preparing for it I had a map of their store and I colorcoded it and as I went I had to like X off okay I did this section and where the couches are I did this area with recliners I did this area with beds I had to like really follow my own map to make sure I wasn't missing anything so um it was exhausting yeah but um part the hardest part of it was they have um an indoor ropes course there and um they have the largest LED screens in North America in there or at the time that they were the largest so the camera does not like like it doesn't like flashing lights and it doesn't like mirrors um because it works with GPS it gets lost so okay if it sees itself in a mirror it's like I don't know where I am or what's happening and loses its own identity it does it does cuz it Maps Itself by the floors the walls and the ceilings and it goes okay I know where I am and you move it a few feet and it goes oh I know I know again where I am you just keep moving it but when you put mirrors in the mix it's like well I don't know where I am oh I know had to do this room with the biggest mirrors and and and led screens in North America and with non-stop flashing lights and I we tried to see if they could get the lights to stop flashing and they're like it turns out they don't we there's no way to shut these lights off there is no way to shut the lights off I'm like so what do you do in that instance I was like I guess we're just going to hope for the best and and I did it wow so that was good for you yes was like one of my biggest accomplishments like okay I guess I can kind of do anything um so that sounds terrifying so I have a question about that so you have your map and you're exing off your rooms like what would you what would happen if you like forgot this Closet in this one room and you've you've gone all the way and you have to go back and do that do that one little closet like how do you do you have to like backrack or yeah I would can you cut edit it I just I have no idea how that works yeah I could um at the time before they did certain upgrades the camera couldn't put that big of a space into one virtual tour and so we had broken it up into I think 17 different tours and we had stitched them together because um there was just like 17 different departments in the store so um yeah in in whatever tour I would have been in I would be able to go back back and just rescan that area Okay um the camera gets more confused so you don't have to like start over from the beginning necessarily no um you can go back it the camera doesn't like it it's kind of like it'll get mad at you it it does misalign sometimes but um yeah so those are the kinds of things that you know it seems like a super easy like anyone could do this and I think in a in a way anyone can learn to do it but there's so many um idiosyncrasies like that that it's like doing it a long time I know how to get past certain um uh just challenges roadblocks like that that I'm like I know why it's misaligning I know why it's angry I know how to you know get past whatever's wrong here I know what I can and can't do how to switch floors whatever um that someone knew oh yeah I never would have thought of that that so like your camera is in the same exact place but on the second floor how do you you have to do the stairs so I have to make the camera go upstairs wow okay and it's a moving camera so I have to set the tripod up on stairs and then make sure you have to do each stair or you can uh you can skip about every four like three or four stairs um yeah that was going to be my next question is like how far can you move it at a time yeah like it's the closer you do the better the torque out but it's like 6 to 8T um okay it's not like you have to just like move a foot and then move a foot you can skip a little bit right so in a room that is furnished you can actually go further if you want to because it it is scanning every single piece of furniture so it knows where it is better in an empty room it starts to get lost so okay this is another specific thing that we did one time that was super hard is doing we measured hallways in a um I think it was a Condo building building just the hallways and when you do a hallway um the camera gets lost easily because everything looks the same everything looks the same and so the camera has um QR codes that you can use and you literally have to tape them on the wall oh wow and um keep moving the camera um and then it scans the QR code it knows where it is and you keep going but in the beginning I didn't know that and so um early on I was trying to do a big open building where everything looks the same and it it just would not align and it kept getting lost and I was just so frustrated and I didn't know what to do and so those are the things that I've had to learn along the way to be like I now know the way around that like so there's just complications like that that's like it makes it you need to have a an experienced technician to do it because yeah this is not like a a oneandone situation this sounds like very intricate timec consuming process yep y yeah yeah so want a professional for this you want it done right if you want it done well and depending on how big um I I've done um the community center which was also about 70,000 square fet I put all of that into one tour wow which is awesome that was another big one um I got to do um Angry Orchards um headquarters so cool yeah and that was I mean we had to go out there for the weekend because that's in New York so um and that was extremely intimidating um one I just did not want to mess up and wanted to impress them I droned the whole property and um again all of that I had to do before they opened so I did their Cider House and I did their Brewery and um their tree house and um had to drone everything all before they opened in the morning wow like we were just moving along super fast so that makes me think of a question um with the Drone so you have your matterport camera that you're moving around but then with the Drone how does that connect how does that go together or Services yeah or like just how does that work they're not the Drone and the camera they're not they're not tied together it's just an additional service that often times people want to add on so is it more like the Drone is for the outside of the property and the cameras for the inside almost always um the exception to that would be I generally will like will refuse to fly my drone inside I don't it's I don't have enough room it's not safe and the exception to that would be um there's a hot tub um retail that I have done many times and they are you know commercial building so big I Can Fly the Drone inside there and so I do that and the purpose is really just capturing video footage um capturing better photos from above looking down so um and then the matterport being outside can really only do like Standalone 3 One 360 shot or 2D photos um and you can stitch one to the inside tour but um it doesn't doesn't do tours out the two the the pro two the camera I have does not do tours outside it needs ceilings and walls to keep moving yeah so that brings up the ultimate question is that I heard you have named your cameras and your drones so introduce us okay okay yeah my C so the M report's name is Foster and he's named after Fort Foster we were trying to name everything um after like local things to KY so Fort Foster was a fort that was like a lookout spot here so we thought you know the camera's always looking has nine nine cameras so we thought that was kind of it just worked you know little Lookout spot so his name is Foster um and then the drones they I mean it took forever to figure out what to name them and now we have many so but at the time that I named them we had three um and there's three bridges in Portsmouth KY um so I named them after the Three Bridges so one of them is Sarah for the Sarah Long Bridge Okay one of them is Archie for the um 295 bridge for it you know looking it up the great Arch is what it's known for and then um Prescott for the one in Prescott Park yeah awesome yeah love it I'm glad I'm not the only one that names equipment or items like yeah I've always named my car I've always named I actually don't have a name for my car you don't have name for your car no my friends and sister do like I I don't know why for some reason that doesn't feel natural to me which feels stupid to say because I'm name for the camera but C and drones yes Vehicles no yeah yeah I don't know I think the m portfield is part of the team yeah he does a lot they are they are lot of work you couldn't do it without them without Foster and your three Buddies the drones yes yeah yeah so how did you get into this in the first place like were you already interested in photography or it kind of just fell in your lap or it was something you were pursuing on purpose like how did you fall into this yeah that's a great question um so we as a company Bill's decision to get into it was just that finding Matterport he thought it would be a great service for us to provide um as a digital marketing type of tool um and before I came here Courtney he and Courtney were primarily doing it um and a couple other employees who aren't here anymore so it kind of just like whoever went out and was doing it but no one was really like there was no one dedicated person yeah no um but once I came I think Bill was kind of like you do this you need a job you do it how Bill famously assigns job roles until it fits you do this until it fits you do that until it fits yeah and um initially I was so I trained with Courtney for a little bit and initially I was like going back I said I was really nervous about traveling to places unknown places by myself like that was really intimidating to me um so in the beginning was kind of like I don't know if I want to do this but Bill's making me do it and I I'm not close enough to bill yet to tell him no so I have to do it so in that way I guess it was a good thing yeah and I had and I had done like like I said I had I had done wedding photography in the past um so as far as photography goes like it's just a very Niche type of Photography and different that once I got into it enough and developed like more and more of a relationship with it I started to enjoy it a lot more and once I developed a client base I started to enjoy it a lot more um I got the hang of it and it became more fun um when when the pandemic hit it was like I was just nonstop busy with it because um during the pandemic people uh Realtors were not allowed to have open houses for a while oh right so became really really important tool for realtors to be able to have like an online open house and so I I I mean there was weeks where I literally was doing I think the the most I did in one day was I did four in a day and there were weeks that I was just I was just like three or four days a week I was out going on matter reports and um I did a lot that year it was it was overwhelming but it was exciting um and I kept thinking like more and more people are even after the pandemic like more and more people will see the value in this and I did get some clients that stuck even after after the pandemic I got some that were like okay I don't need to do this anymore right um but that was a extremely busy year for it so yeah a good problem to have I guess yeah MH I don't miss it if I'm honest it was a lot it was a lot and you know at that time too I was having to you know wear a mask and I had to
come yeah so do you have any advice for someone who like would want to get into this type of work like what would you tell them becoming a mport tech yeah like what would what advice would you give someone wanting to do that so I follow some other mport providers on Instagram just cuz I like to see what they're doing and like there's one in um Canada I think she's in Ontario I don't know but she's adorable she's really cute she has a really fun business and I think she primarily just does um I can see her do a lot of museums and um just businesses so I don't think she does anything real estate and I love that for her love it for her so I would say just kind of know your Market um wherever you are if there is a big need for it in real estate you know market for that um if there's not then see what there is a market for really really um take inventory of what your needs are and what your clients needs are and work with that yeah very good advice yeah if you wanted to expand on the airplanes I was curious what were you actually matter reporting were you matter reporting the inside of the airplanes or the hanger or like what was that well there was conversation about they they were kind of I I met I went and met with them early on so that they could decide what the best what best fit their needs they the the airline is um redoing their own online marketing and so they were kind of trying to feel out how best to do that with video and and photo and commercials and would a virtual tour be good and so um we talked a lot about should we drone like should we mport you know the hangers the airplanes or whatever so we decided to do or they decided to do two for now two planes um see how that goes make decisions moving forward so we did the inside of two planes which is really exciting for me because I had never gotten to do that yet and are they like private planes these are not like American Airlines jetliners like it's small not yet not yet not yet yeah I love the positivity not yet well I mean they told me after I they were so pleased with them that they were like we're going to refer you to what whatever the commercial airline was that they work with yeah so I was really excited exciting yeah so I was really pleased with how the tours came out and they were too but um yeah there's a very specific different kind of tour so unique when I saw the video um I was curious if it was cuz they were trying to sell the planes it's just for Charters just for the so that if anyone wants to Charter them they can have a real immersive experience of what it would be like to be in that first I mean they're spending all that money so before coming out to see them um they know what it's like inside yeah so uh there's so many ways to Market Matterport um like I said like I really enjoy doing it for construction um I'm really like working with contractors they're always treat me well and nice to me um working with um one that works right here in our building Gary DeCoste he I've done projects with him where I've been able to do the building um he does he does uh remodels and so I've done the I've done the before I've done the during and then I've gotten to do the after and we can do this like comparison and that's like so neat to me yeah that's awesome um things like that um it's funny that you say working with contractors is your favorite thing because it's like it goes kind of against what you were saying like tiny Kristy in this intimidating environment but I like working with the contractors like it's just it sounds like it shouldn't go but it does so that's cool I think it's cuz they have this I get the feeling they have this like work ethic like Contracting they understand that I've been contracted for a job any kind of work he gets that it's their time to be there get it done and so as a fellow contractor for this part of the job they get it they're like this is your time do it yeah that's nice I wouldn't have thought of that point in particular but yeah that makes perfect sense yeah there that Mutual mutual respect yeah that's super cool well and Gary's a sweetheart anyway so we just love him because we love him yeah uh yeah so that's I felt like it was good to talk about this for our anniversary just because absolutely I mean I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation because I know like nothing about it and I would love to talk about it some more as well because I feel like I can't think of all the questions I want to ask you in this moment but I feel like there are more questions that I want to talk to you about yeah and I think that's a good idea cuz I just realized like all these weeks of having the podcast I haven't talked about matterport once and it's one of the biggest things that I do Services we offer so I'm like this is silly let's Deep dive into matterport with the free dive podcast yeah so we'll definitely talk about it again so if you would come back and do that again that AES love to do that pleas and we'll have to celebrate on the Matterport anniversary somehow yeah we'll have to think of what kind of party we're going to have for that yeah that'll be epic something but yeah thank you very much for being here thank you thank you it was fun all right we'll see you guys next time bye