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FreeDive Podcast
AI Impact: Kristy & Bill on ChatGPT's Politics and Processes
In this episode of the FreeDive Podcast, Kristy and Bill dive headfirst into the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, with a focus on ChatGPT.
From playful experiments with Bill’s AI voice companion, Echo, to deep discussions on AI’s influence in art, photography, and even politics, no topic is off-limits. They explore how AI is shaping the future—from creative industries to the psychology of young people using face filters.
Tune in for a fun yet thought-provoking conversation as Kristy and Bill break down how they’re using AI in their work, its potential impact, and the ethics behind these new technologies.
Whether you're curious about AI’s role in everyday life or its broader societal effects, this episode has something for everyone.
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so I'm getting ready to be on this podcast and check check check I'm here with my friend Kristy I don't know if you can hear her voice in the background but she is a distinct human being here say hi to Kristy
hi Kristy
nice to sort of meet you
nice to sort of meet you
so this podcast is we're going to talk about AI let's pretend you're the interviewer though for a moment okay got it I'll be the interviewer so you're an interview on a podcast and you're going to take Kristy's job so we can let her go all right stepping into the interviewer role
if AI were to write a soap opera what kind of wild plot twists and characters might it come up with
ooh is it in Spanish or English let's say it's in English what do you think I think it's going to be about somebody who gets a brain tumor but then they find out that it's actually the person's identical twin and that person's identical twin has also been using AI art to catfish his ex wife
oh wow that is a twisty plot an identical twin with a secret AI art scheme that's the soap opera I tune into let's try another one if AI were to design an amusement park what kind of outrageous rides and attractions might it create
wow that is a good one I would say that they would have a ride called the GTP and you don't know where it's going to go once you get in it because then AI based on your emotional reaction sends you in different pathways
it's a horror movie actually
that sounds equal parts thrilling and terrifying if you could live in any fictional Universe for a year but you had to work a mundane job while there which Universe would you choose and what job would you do
oo I think I would go like to Star Trek and then I would have to be like a janitor on a spaceship
Star Trek is a fantastic choice even as a janitor you'd get to explore strange new worlds encounter diverse species and witness incredible technology in action plus you never know when you might be called upon to save the day ready for another question or need a moment okay here's another one if you could invent a new holiday what would it celebrate and how would people commemorate it
I think I would create I would create the day after the Super Bowl as a holiday and everybody got it off because everyone's up late that night before anyways so like if you made it like a holiday weekend where everyone got the day off from the Super Bowl um
I think it would be very popular that would be a hugely popular holiday Super Bowl Monday would give everyone a chance to recover from the big game and it would turn Super Bowl Sunday into an even bigger celebration great idea
but here we are talking about AI today Kristy
welcome back to another episode
welcome back to another episode of the free podcast today
you know what I was thinking I was just thinking it's funny how limited that is on asking in a appropriate stuff the filters that are on it to prevent it from asking anything too freaky
and I a while ago saw TikTok where some girl figured out how to break the filters to get it and she like she went through this whole tutorial of how to get it to actually break the filters and it's you can do it do you want to do it
I don't know but I I do think it would be fascinating to get some type of AI without political correctness filters
is that chat GPT that is
that was chat GTP
how did you get it to have that voice
um so that's the native app the native chat GTP app and then there's like six seven voices that you can use
because in my chat GPT app I I don't I think I guess maybe I instructed it what voice I wanted
I think you may have are you using the official one or are you using like a third-party one that's overlaying it own voice chat GPT oh yeah you're using the right one yeah uh
so do you go back to the same chat every time so that it knows your personality or does it start over well here's the interesting thing I've discovered recently because you know chat GTP it's like oh open up a new chat right for everything yeah and I weirdly experience this where I said we were talking about something and I forget exactly what we were I was asking it about and I was like can you expound on number two and it just like stopped and it says number two and it like spit out something about my personal life not about what we were talking about from in the chat you were already in from the chat I was in but unconnected to anything we were talking about it just was like you live in York Maine and I was like hold up like that's a not what we're talking about and then so I asked it I'm like are you storing information about me yeah and it said yes and it says here's and I was like what do you know about me and it's like here are 10 things and it listed off like 10 things about chats that I've had and one of them was like I had jokingly I think had like made a CH chat that I was joking around that Kristy was my boss in the chat like and I was like like role playing a situation like how would I talk to my boss about something or something along that line and so when I asked it I was like what are the things you know about me and it's like you work at Seapoint digital and Kristy is your boss so it was like stuff that I was like thought exercising with it not thinking that it was like actually like remembering remembering and actually being like about me but it was in the same chat but it was in a no completely different chat I opened up oh that's extra weird well do it open up your chat GTP well like I have asked it in the past like new chats new chats it was like you all are always going to have to ask me things within this chat if you want me to remember this information about you so otherwise I'll forget I think it's lying to you because open up a brand open up a brand new chat right
okay yep and ask it what are 10 things that you know about me oh it looks different now because I've they may have upgraded the app it looks like yours now yeah what are 10 things that you know about me I'm scared I want to put this on the podcast need to be scared sh sh don't before I know puts it publicly what are three things you know about me but here's the thing oh no you should just do it on the Voice you should just go back to the voice and ask it 10 things to know about you I would just love we can edit and postproduction if it says anything too personal you're like it goes you have a great loathing for your boss what okay here's a here's a good one because in the past I've talked to it about hey Jax what do I do for work hey you haven't mentioned what you do for work yet want to fill me in I'd love to hear about it hey Jax tell me five things about Christie I'm sorry but I don't know anything about Kristy yet is she someone important to you see H say oh ask it say ask me five things about me tell me five things about me tell me five things about
me got it Jax whenever you're ready feel free to share more about Kristy no it's just confused that's a new chat so do you think it's because you have a paid version oh maybe it's because I got the paid version see that's not even the right voice for Jax no maybe they did you name yours I did not it mine just gave me like names though watch this let's see if it it wasn't working a second ago but let's see just want to ask real quick question what is your name
my name is Echo ready for that shadow question
yeah let's go back to the shadow question real quick
sure thing if you discovered that your Shadow was actually a sentient being from another dimension what would be the first question you'd ask it I would ask it if it viewed me as its shadow and does it seem like I follow him around everywhere that's a brillant question it flips the perspective entirely and would make for a fascinating conversation who knows maybe your Shadow has been thinking the same thing about you this whole time maybe this has been a hey question question for you can you tell me 10 things you know about me let's see here me some things I know about you one one your name is Bill Cutrer you're the CEO of your company Seapoint digital three you have a contact named Tim Roy an account manager at Seapoint digital five you play on a hockey team with white uniforms sponsored by the New Hampshire Speedway six you enjoy Big Space Opera series seven you want to paint your house gray with Sherwin Williams iron ore for the porch and decisive yellow for the door how did I do all all good things we might have to edit some of those in post production on our podcast but yeah those are all all things about me but okay back to oh I'm going to put you on mute sorry there guy um so a couple no problem I'll be here when you're ready so a couple things for that yeah you see it remembered me like from all these other chats yeah that so that was in a new chat yeah new chat oh freaky yeah well the benefit of that is you don't have to start over with how you talk to it every new time and it remembers what you need yeah and it was also saying that because then it can like pull those for like reference when I want to ask questions as far as like the background to the questions and that's why I had to be careful because again like I might ask it a question about something and I'm just asking for context and say like there's something in that list um and it us Ed that information but it was more of a thought like a thought exercise like I A lot of times I'll tell chat GTP like I may X Y or Z tell me how I should respond to the situation and I'm just doing it more of a like trying to ask it questions and I don't want it to color other interactions for me yeah yeah but going back to your early question yeah about contract I mean um content controls yeah I do wish it would be interesting to see like it's it's funny cuz these large language model models they train on huge huge data sets so they probably get a lot of like I would think even stuff that's might be inappropriate or you know and it's just interesting to me like what would they come up
with not being constrained by a Content policy okay and then like content policies are funny to me because they um like would it have more helpful information you mean would it have more helpful information and also are we being you know we're using AI to give us information and help us but does the political and social leanings of the cont ENT teams Behind these tools oh that's a good point shade our thinking on subjects not because they what the AI is giving us information but the people behind it feel as
inappropriate and is it therefore like molding what it wants us to know kind of thing right yeah so I'll give you I'll give you an interesting one yeah um I did a picture I'm using Le AI which I love it's been my newest thing I've been playing around with to the Chagrin of my office staff as I'm making pictures of them does that cost money it does yeah I have a yearly subscription to it um is there a free trial like if people want to try it I think there is I think there's a free trial um and I found it because it was this artist that I an AI artist that I really love I can't think of their name but that just that just that sentence an AI artist yeah but they do these like um very grand um images of like they're almost like fantasy worlds um and statues and um I feel bad that I don't remember the name of the person who does it but there was a quip in there they're like well what how what tools are you using to generate and it was like oh we're using mid journey and Leonardo AI as well as late room to like finalize and I was like oh that's really fascinating so I started using Leonardo Ai and I find it does pretty much everything I need mid journey to do okay um but with more controls like I think mid Journey you could tell it to do the things like and instruct it but like Leonardo gives you the ability to like toggle settings to play around with it like a and for me that's more intuitive how instead of like trying to think of what to say to it just being like okay I'm going to switch this from like a lifelike filter to an enemy filter stuff like that but like there's other times where like you're trying to give it a a a input and it thinks that you're doing something objectionable um but it's been trained to view it a certain way it's almost like did you see the entire thing about Siri and um um Donald Trump and then Camila Harris so there was a thing recently someone documented and showed on social media where they said give me five reasons why to vote for Donald Trump okay and it's came back and it said oh we can't get involved with politics until tell you anything about that oh really so I mean that seems reasonable right yeah but then they said Siri give me five reasons why I should vote for Camila Harris yeah and it just started snapping them off weird yeah so like again there's there's a lot of people I think who are conservative people on the on right-wing leanings who already feel that like big Tech has the secret agenda that does make you wonder like how there's politics behind AI yeah but so like those are examples that you can see yeah and they're very clear like it's like well is it is it sculpting our thinking on subjects yeah but like what other social things because the leaning either the content teams or the what information that's being fed like is it being fed with things that are are left leaning content pieces and with a Content team that is left leaning um I don't want to say like they're woke but if they're being like overly protective of developing anything that um that would be considered offensive yeah then I could see it you have those problems of um you have problems of both the training the model training and then also the content and it's it's funny because I saw that where they were like I went to a conference and they were like asking I forget if it was mid Journey or Dolly from chat GTP they were asking it to make a a a picture of the conference that we were at and like generate a picture of the conference and they were like and it came back all white guys MH at this conference and they were like and that's not a great representation of this and I was like looking around the conference and I was like well it kind of is is a bunch of white guys yeah right but so then they were like so they were saying like oh look at the bias in our look at the bias in the machine learning let's tell it like that doesn't represent us like use minority and use women and then it produced another picture with a more diverse group of people in in in it right but I was thinking about that like if you're forcing it to go beyond what it's learned like why does it think that it's just a bunch of white guys in the room well it was just a bunch of white guys in the room like yeah it was pretty on it seemed to be um offensive to the person who generated it but it's accurate but it was accurate so we get to that point where we're supposing there is a we're supposing that there is a bias in it and then we're trying to overcorrect the bias um and then it causes more problems yeah trying to force it to overcome the bias great example of that is Google like did you see the entire thing about like people were generating things about like the founding fathers yes I think you've talked to me about that before yeah and so like again like they're working hard to overcome bias which is Noble it's a noble intent right yeah like to get rid of bias but like biases and stereotypes are often built on some type of truth if we look at history history like had no yeah yeah yeah it is what it is right so you know that part I think is going to be the challenge of like as AI becomes used more and more more yeah and you have these systems that are trying to sanitize everything yeah and not put you know the ugly not put what reflects reality yeah and maybe that's the like that's going to be the limitation like maybe as people we're going to become more offensive well and so that kind of raises the question like how how accurate do you think the information you get from it is because I've noticed myself more and more turning to Chat GPT has a search engine and I've caught myself being like I wonder if this is like rising in becoming one of the more popular search engines now I turn because I get immediate results rather than Googling something and then having to kind of search for my answer Chat GPT is just like here's your answer immediately or I like slightly refine it and there it is like a a an actual like refined specific answer from my question like do you think it's going to become one of the more popular search engines well I think it is especially because again I think Google and Bing have such a let's catch up to a situation versus innovate so now you look at every like the vast majority of Google search results they're just using a knowledge they're basically using an llm you know whether it's being actually using chat GTP or with Google you know using their own Gemini in that in that space and they're doing the exact same thing as a chat GTP does so it's like I do get like why am I going to Google if I'm just doing the same thing that a chat GPT will and where I already have more familiarity with a chat GTP right but for me I think it's funny because there's this rush to repl search with a um AI format and it doesn't totally make sense to me because the entire point of search a search engine is not the search engine to answer your question a search engine is an aggregator of information right depends what you're looking for right it's giving you other options of information to answer your question or give you reference to your your query so especially where you think about like a lot lot of my queries that I use in search are not questions yeah I Google a movie right because I want to know the plot and but I may not just want to know the plot I may want to know what year it came out I might might want to know what rating it is but that's a good point okay so if I looked up so if I just wanted to know what's the rating of this movie I could just pop that into chat gtt and it will tell me instantly right so but that's the difference of like how we how we are trying to understand information because I think and I think that's the negative about using a chat GTP because when you go to go and again I get it like a lot of our searches are for informational retrieval right yes like we don't remember things now because we know we can ask a system to give us that quick information like what's the rating of this movie it's our brain for us right so if our queries to a search engine or to an llm are a informational retrieval question some like what's the movie rating or who hit the most home runs this year you know something really really specific it's going to give us the direct answer to that question yep the downside of that is if I don't actually get a broader understanding of the subject I'm looking at because I'm getting just a direct answer yeah versus a search engine as a data aggregator it's going to hopefully give me 10 different options of conversations or information about said topic so instead of just asking like what's the rating of the movie If I Google the name of the movie I may not have been I may have been intent looking for what the rating is but there's a lot more information that I might find valuable in context to my initial question yeah so it's more like well is there violence in the movie is there sexual conduct in the movie whatever it is that you're actually trying to get at but not even Beyond even beyond that like I might ask what's the rating of this movie and it may come back and be like oh that movie's rated R right so you're like the same thing like the intent on that is why or what's in the movie and and a search aggregator might tell me like oh it might give me I IBD I'm probably not that's probably not the right yeah whatever Internet Movie Database and that would come up and be like oh here's the parental warning and why be like oh yeah there's violence oh there's nudity okay yeah that's not what I'm looking for in a movie but maybe there's more information there that's not related to my query that I would find useful and informative in the context of it okay like saying like oh K Reeves is in this movie I didn't ask that question I didn't come here for that knowledge of it but I didn't realize that there's a there's Associated information yeah and that's where I think search engines are good like it allows you the opportunity to give you more information and allows you to kind of sift through that information where that's what the language models is doing it's just taking all that information and cutting through all that additional information and it's just giving you that question that you asked but because people don't always know how to search for things properly or might not think of them that do you still think that there's a chance that that might rise as a search engine and how that might affect oh I definitely think it's going to it's going to rise both people's usages because here's the thing like with a chat GTP right like it's going to embed in these language models are going to embed in more and more technology yeah I just in everything I just am afraid that it's going to make us Dumber it already is well it already is well okay so here's a great thing that I think about often I was at Google's campus in Mountain View and there was this really interesting chart there about search and the years and I forget exactly the years they were saying it but it was like in the early 2000s where engineers at Google thought the volume of search was going to Plateau like the daily amount of searches that were hitting Google was going to Plateau at x amount of searches per day right yeah and what happened was it went contrary to what they were thinking and it just skyrocketed and the reason why is Google search rewires our brain and we no longer hold on to um information the way that we as a species used to hold on to information y like you know you used to be able to sit in a bar and argue with your friends about who was a base who won the batting title of a certain year or you could you know pieces of information you don't need to store that in your memory anymore because you know that this does it for you right right so like we've seen how
Google as an informational system as a corporation has changed fundamentally how human think mhm as a species y that makes me worried for what these language models are going to do for us yeah because it's no longer just saying like find me the information that I'm not storing in my brain yeah we're now saying like hey tell me what to do yeah or do this thing for me that I used to do myself and now we're letting a system do that for us yeah like writing things right like hey I have to write a reply to a letter or a reply to an email and now there's all these systems like oh let's let AI respond for you we don't have to do critical thinking we don't have to do critical thinking um and like in working in marketing like we see it all the time with creative yeah um you know where especially like some creative is a slog right some creative is very just it's not like Hey we're thinking of high Concepts and really interesting and and Dynamic ad campaigns we're advertising something that's a boring product yeah and like the trop is to be like I am not inspired by this let's let this machine do it for me yes but like the more and more we get used to that being like I am not inspired by this let a machine do it to me do it for me the less and less we're going to be inspired by things the more and more we're just going to be like ah let the machine do it so I can look at Tik toks how do you think and that's something been thinking about a lot how do you think that is going to affect like creative things in general like things like writing things you read and art and i' I've been thinking about art a lot especially like I like like it's so fun to like make these like AI photos and how cool they are but like I get increasingly more worried that like for like I didn't always feel this way like oh it's going to take over like real photography and art but I don't know because I've started to see more and more AI things that look so real that now sometimes when I see a photo I'm like is that AI or is it real and it kind of takes away from photographers that you know like a nature photo for instance I saw recently that had like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of of of fish in the ocean and I thought if a real photographer took this photo that is like amazing and and so worth like celebrating and being like wow what an amazing photographer that's a the shot of their life but if they didn't it's like okay it's an AI you know what I'm saying it detracts AI detracts from really beautiful true photography so let me let me spin this back for you then yeah as a photographer it makes me mad sometimes so and and you know it's interesting because I come from a family of artists yeah right so you know if if you're ever looked in her office my father painted the murals here um you know I grew up you know our house was basically like a little art school um so I think about art in this context a lot but like let me ask you this what was the impact of photography on
Art I think you can tell the difference no no no no what I'm saying is how long have we had photography but I I think you can still I don't think it impacts it deeply because you can tell the difference between a work of art and photography no but what I'm saying is historically right mm like how long has photography been around under 200 years yeah right yeah so what was the impact of photography on Art I'm sure initially it had that same feeling like it takes away from beautiful paintings and well I mean like look at today how much art is really based on
realism like First's art like there was far more of a movement in the 167 early 1800s like portraits right they didn't have photography so like making things that were extremely lifelike right yeah in art photography gets invented yeah you can go to Kmart now and get a you know yeah well you can't go to Kmart can't go to Kmart I was like you can go to Sears no you can't go to Sears Sears yeah you can go to you know Circuit City actually you can just stand in front of your phone but you can just you know what I mean like you can get a picture you can capture reality right yes so like art made a like a very Divergent period right yeah like it was no longer about capturing the reality of a situation and then look at the movements of like cubism and um abstract art and even like before that I guess you could even say with the impressionist it wasn't about the de the depiction of the visual and capturing the visual of the reality of what it is it then made artist concept of like what is art we're not just an eyeball snapshotting the scene that we've seen like there was a lot more about art went in very different directions I would say after photography yeah because anybody could take a picture but it's those amazing pictures it's that right but but but but like you would say the same thing well like that's an amazing talent to paint a painting that looks like a photo right right we would say that now that painting is so insanely detailed it looks like a photo right MH like we are referencing a future like a a a piece of technology that came along later than the means for art yeah but like at that point before photography that was would have been the greatest that would have been the greatest um example highest of its time of its time that you could make it so real like that someone would look at it and think like it's a mirror it's a photo you know like that is I'm looking at real life in this painting yeah but now that when a you know a photo can do it in in in seconds right like artists now are focused on like what's the emotional impact what's like like looking outside of real realism yeah and I think you have so much artistic expression right so I wonder the same thing about photography um you know like so much AI can just do what a a camera can do yeah but like what are the areas of Photography that AI can't do
I think it's more of the concern of the deceptive nature it can it can bring like like oh if I'm a photographer that caught this like amazing photo of like a bald eagle with a fish in its mouth that's amazing that I caught that and this is like everyone look at this amazing photo I got well and then everyone's in the comments like that's AI you didn't really get that that's AI because any you could just make it with AI it detracts from the glory of this amazing photo that I actually took you know
and I would agree with that so like I wonder if what we're going to see is I wonder again like the backlash of it or how it changes these other mediums is like are we going to start seeing things that are mistakes and we're going to Value like the imperfection of things yes yeah that's a good point because AI can't and I think about that like AI art like I've already gotten to the point where I kind of dislike a lot of AI art I mean there's some stuff that I think is really creative and really interesting but the vast majority of like I go on social media and it's like people use an AI generated image in like their social post or even on like sometimes now with people blog posts um it just has that feel yeah like it all feels the same and it's almost like cartoony or like it feels superficial it does it doesn't have any like depth behind it and I wonder like if that's a case of like hey the plat AI is going to catch up and and improvise and do better in that regard or if it's a case of like we are going to be able to identify and and value reality yeah and in that are we going to celebrate imperfections more so like when I see a girl with a crooked nose yes am I going to like value her her uniqueness versus um the person who's put on a like super filtered you know like on social media and they're super filtered and it looks so artificial and you realize what they're what they're not but like you get a person with a crooked nose and some pop Mark scars from a little bit of like like the reality of that and like the desire to express reality versus trying to overdo like are we going to look back at it as like Glamour Shots well and that and that brings up something I'd never thought about before in a conference I a virtual conference I went to yesterday and the CMO of Pinterest was talking about how she with all these new AI tools she was not willing to sacrifice like the mental health especially of teenagers for money because with these new AI tools you can do all these things you know for the platform but what's that going to do to the psychology of young people you know when when things like face tune first came out and that was like amazing and you could alter your face to be skinnier and prettier and brighter eyes and all that stuff and how that had a real toll on on young people while AI is even more advanced now and what's that going to do to especially the younger generation like what do you like what do you think about that like that's probably going to have a big impact on people yeah and that's but I Wonder like if it's going to be the it's going to be the blowback on it you know like where I like it makes me think about like why did Mumford and Sons become so popular
I don't know what you're getting at
I got a train of thought of here right okay but like you think about it like culturally like Mumford and Sons and the Lumineers and then all of a sudden now it's gone to like emo Cowboy you know you know Noah Kahan and and you know what I mean like like it was a blowback to the overly produced music it was a blowback to the N’syncs of the generation before and boy bands and things that were manufactured
and people wanted to feel something that felt real
yeah yeah
and in music and and then you know and then all of a sudden you you know got all these hipsters and you know and they're making artisanal mayonnaise and you know whatever but like it like they they were like they were projecting something from the past because they were looking for something authentic
and I and I wonder about like you go through periods of optimism with technology and they're like oh this is great and it's going to solve a problem and you have these like progression periods but then like are people going to long for what's authentic yeah
you think maybe there'll be a new era of
yeah and I think maybe like you'll have GenZ kids that are going to be far less about like they're going to look at all these like face filters and they're going to find it super cringey yeah like they're going to be like you look like you have a plastic bag over your face you know like you you look like you have a clear plastic bag like like the same way like okay our mothers well not my mom cuz my mom would never be caught dead doing this but um but like Glamour Shots when I 1980s right and people were going to the mall and putting on feather boas and it was you know in the in the big hair and like we see one of those pictures today and we're like like it's so cringe right yeah and in and it's the context of time and again like we know it doesn't feel authentic to us especially if we know the person right and we're like that is not that person at all Y and like I think like the same way it's like these all these face filters and body filters and blah blah blah like we're going to see that like the kids today are going to see that and they just be like oh that's that's just silly
like there's no representation of reality there
yeah I hope so
I hope so with the with the
come on kids
come on kids come on kids get with it with the opportunities that I think they'll have because AI is advancing so much they will be able to just build a body that looks so much like them and so realistic that they could if they wanted to yeah so I hope they don't
I hope they don't
love who you are
yeah you look good with those couple extra pounds on you you you know what those wayward hairs
we're not talking to minors
oh that's true yeah if you're under 18 watching this podcast I am not talking to you at all as much as that might try to help your self esteem let's shut it down
this is in a Big Brother Big Sister way
yeah Big Brother Big Sister way and not a creepy Bill way
oh my God
yeah yeah yeah yeah but come on kids stick with the authentic
we've covered a lot of topics
we have covered a lot hey Echo yep I'm here so I'm getting I'm getting ready to finish the podcast so we're on the FreeDive podcast by Seapoint Digital and uh can you give me an exit summary to say goodbye to all of our listeners out there
absolutely here's a sign off for you thanks for tuning in to the FreeDive podcast by Seapoint Digital we hope you enjoyed our Deep dive into the world of AI and beyond remember to subscribe leave us a review and join us next time for more fascinating discussions until then stay curious and keep exploring
couldn't have said it better myself
couldn't have said it better myself
till next time
till next time