FreeDive Podcast
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Brought to you by Seapoint Digital, a leading digital marketing agency, our podcast offers valuable insights and practical tips that have propelled us to success in the industry. Whether you're a business professional, entrepreneur, or digital marketing enthusiast, you'll find something to inspire and inform.
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FreeDive Podcast
Mic Check: Lessons from Podcasting with Kristy and Kevin
In this lighthearted episode of the FreeDive podcast, Kevin takes the host's seat to interview Kristy about her journey in launching and growing a podcast—a journey he's been a fan of every step of the way. With over 20 episodes under her belt, Kristy shares her candid reflections on staying authentic, the challenges of creating content, and the surprising lessons learned along the way.
To demonstrate the importance of storytelling, Kevin and Kristy share some of their own: from Flintstone vitamins in the toilet to the mystery of a broken candy dish and sharks at a triathlon, this episode is packed with funny stories and unexpected detours. Kristy also reveals the behind-the-scenes vibe she aimed for—keeping things real and avoiding that overly scripted feel.
Whether you're an aspiring podcaster, a business owner looking for relatable insights, or just here for some good stories, this episode blends valuable lessons with the quirky, offbeat storytelling that makes Kevin and Kristy a dynamic duo.
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this is really exciting because for me I actually got to know you through this podcast and now I get to know you in person
it's a very strange strange way to get to know me but it's exciting
yeah well it felt appropriate because I feel like you're just very expressive on your
Yes you’ve mentioned that you’ve mentioned that
your podcast
you have you have great color in your
it's a nice compliment I'm choosing to take it as a compliment
of course yeah that was it' be weird to take it any other way
well it was I was heading down a road of feeling self-conscious with it
right no don't do that um so you've been how long how many episodes have you done or is it hard to say exactly um well I have I have some recorded in the backlog we didn't introduce this episode you did oh you wer recording before no okay well in this episode no you have to say welcome welcome to the free dive podcast in this episode they don't know who you are you have to chy and I Kevin Burns will be speaking to each other about topics and I'm not going to micromanage it no yeah yeah um yeah so I'm Kevin Burns uh this is Kristy as they know as they know we're going to be talking to each other um really just about whatever comes into our minds and whatever we think is interesting we're recording it just in case you think it's interesting that's right this is the free dive podcast focus on free today
correct we're going heavy on the free we're very free yeah
yeah although you did say you can edit out a lot of stuff and post
I I can do I want to
which is reassuring to a lot of people in my life but talk to me about podcasting
since I since I'm getting to know or I I got to know you first through this podcast
um listening to you in different parts of the world actually uh on YouTube on Spotify and here we are sitting in person so it's sort of like meeting an old friend it's sort of like meeting a celebrity
that's how I like to think of myself
yeah yeah so it gives me like a little bit of butterflies in my stomach to be sitting here
that's so sweet
but um but not in a good way
yeah okay but I'm really just uh playing to the audience at this point
correct correct
but tell me about how many how many podcasts have you done approximately cuz maybe there's been some funny ones that are hard to count by the time this episode posts I won't know the exact answer but we're about 20 20 episodes in yeah so you're you're pretty fresh into it cons compared to the wider world of podcasting getting started yes and you mentioned to me um before the show that you don't listen to a lot of podcasts you're not a big podcast
I'm not I'm not
not that podcast listeners are freaks
but you know what I'm saying yeah I listen I do enjoy uh a good podcast I enjoy a long podcast long form podcast if I'm doing something uh besides work here in marketing like if I'm working in the yard for example yeah working around the house I do enjoy having something to listen to uh besides music sometimes but what was the feel that you wanted to have in your podcast did you have an overall Vibe or what was the idea
uh tone or do you mean subject
tone I don't correct me I'm trying to understand I want I'll I'll stick with
I'll correct you whenever I want okay this is my show we're doing it my way yeah
fellas fellas listen you take the lead
I would love that I usually have to carry this for once in your life somebody else take the lead yeah you take the lead that's fine that's what my wife says when we dance for crying out loud Take the Lead oh my word um tone tone tone I
so I knew from the very beginning I wanted the podcast to feel authentic I don't you know when you listen to things and it just feels very scripted and phony and like you're trying to be sold something and the vibe we have here at Seapoint just in general on our social media or when No cameras are running at all is we are all very real people and I wanted to be able to be myself I like to the biggest extent possible that is postable to the world um so there's going to be a level of filter uh especially talking about marketing I feel like you're trying to like communicate something to me subtly obviously there's going to be a filter listen I I say all the time I'm like if I ever started my own personal podcast I'd be canceled so fast um just because very much like we've talked about just like the thoughts that come fly just
yeah it is a lot less stressful just being yourself yeah and you're just trying to put on this facade all the time first of all most people recognize there something off yes and then you know something else about like let's talk about in the perspective of like a rock star like they're generally putting on a facade to the extreme version of like Kiss like literally putting on a facade every now yes and even though they have so many fans which people on social media podcasting might end up in a place like that but if they're not really being their authentic self just pretending yeah they're going to feel so alone because they know nobody really knows them and you're just always being
like celebrities you're being perceived always no matter where you are what you're doing yeah
I think it ties back into marketing though because in marketing you're presenting something publicly and you want to be presentable but if you're not being authentic to who the company is if you're just pretending to green yeah but you're not really that's going to be very stressful to the company because everybody knows that's you know we make oil we're not really green
yeah yeah yeah and so that is part of the pressure that I carry with this podcast with doing our social media is like I am presenting it's not just like oh this is this all represents Kristy it represents Seapoint Digital and so I have to like make sure that I'm representing Seapoint Digital in the best light possible while at the same time trying to be you know light and funny and also giving like as much value as possible so it's like tying all that together it has been a long time of trying to figure out where that all like meets a happy medium so when I started this I wanted to feel like I was going to be able to laugh a lot on the podcast be silly and not too serious while at the same time provide as much value to the listeners as possible because that's why you listen to a podcast at all right is like it has to be entertaining you don't want to just listen to people droning on about marketing can be so boring so boring and so creating a podcast about marketing statistics like I'm like I've how am I going to make that interesting well I'm gonna going to want interesting guests for one thing I'm going to want interesting and a diverse set of topics so it like getting all of that together that was the goal from the beginning
well I think you really captured in what you were saying you captured Seapoint as a company it's marketing but you're they're it's genuinely authentically not just this boring rigid thing people are being themselves having fun and producing something of value yeah at the same time so I think you're capturing that in the podcast so good job
Thank you
how many times do you wake up at 3:00 in the morning thinking about the podcast
the morning before it posts so yeah Tuesday mornings I often am like get a little bit of anxiety like did I remember to schedule it is it going to post and then I almost always wake up at 5:00 when I know it's going to post and like check my immediately check my phone and I I have my notifications on so it tells me that it posted and I can see that it posted on time and I'm I'm able to be like and I always double check the copy to be like okay yeah that I put the right copy on it like like it says the right thing I posted the right one like
and can you go back to sleep at that point
I can I actually can that's good that's yeah lately I've been able to devote more of my work time to it um
because because there's editing
so between between uh reaching out to potential people to be guests um and just kind of connecting with them between actually recording the episodes and editing the podcast itself transcribing the episodes um and then um creating copy for everything and then I I posting it when it comes out uh like scheduling things but then also posting the day of um and then keeping up with that those social channels so like like keeping up with the comments that come out it is like it's never ending keeping up with
I think that's why most uh podcasts probably have a little bit of a crew
crew right yeah and
here you are
doing all of it I believe it's called
a one lady crew yeah a one man band yeah
yeah so it is a it is very it's a lot of work just for one episode and very involved in lots of little micro steps from like making cover art for everything to making different copy for every social channel all to making sure the metadata is right in the YouTube like it's just so so finding the right keywords
have you ever woken up and just that why why am I doing this
yeah oh yes yep yep
is Kevin the only person listening
is Kevin the only fan I have is he the only one listening to actually Deb is my other like big so Deb listens and Anna listens like I do I listen I know I have tons of but like my super fans are like right in the our own office so it's like
I think what really happened with the podcast is everybody in the office wanted to hang out with you more and you didn't really want to hang out with them that much
is that what it is
so you're like I'm just going to do a podcast and you can hang out with me whenever you want
that could be and they can just listen to my voice and my voice and enjoy my voice
there's been some really interesting observations about your vocal range in fact in the comments please leave in the comments if you've observed her wide vocal range yeah and what you think it sounds like yeah can you elaborate a little bit for them I don't want to lead them I want it needs to be authentic like I don't
background for everyone listening Kev Kevin has a lot of opinions on my voice yeah
I don't want to Inception like something into their head that's not already there okay that feels manipulative and in marketing that's not the kind of marketing we do here
this feels like a good time to tell you that I created a Tik Tok of you yesterday oh um this feels like a good time to tell you I never been on Tik Tok but now I'm on Tik Tok are you on it now well you just said that you you need to make an account so I don't think I do how are you going to follow all this hilarious stuff just believe me that it's good yeah yeah I think it's okay so that actually leads me to a question for you is how are you getting notifications of new episodes because very often I promote them on social media and you're not on social media so this is some um insights for me um it shows up in my YouTube feed I've watched it so you're subscribed uh I actually I'm not so cpoint has their YouTube channel and I've watched a few videos on that um the free dive podcast I is it on the Seapoint
yeah it all goes to channel
yeah so it shows up in my YouTube feed every Tuesday morning anyway okay um although I missed one and it stopped showing up because I listened to it on Spotify one week
it sounds like you need to subscribe to our Channel
I probably do subscribe I'm I'm sure I do yeah I'm sure I
so you listen on YouTube
I normally listen on YouTube Tuesday morning when I'm working out like that's my normal routine but I've been traveling the last few weeks uh and I need to listen to it on audio only and so I started listening to it on Spotify which also appeals
so let me back you up
but it's Spotify Audio Only I don't watch the video on Spotify
on YouTube are you listening to the video version or the YouTube podcast version
okay yeah you just don't watch the video because you're working out or whatever I mean it's there it's like on my iPad next to me so if something like visual comes up then I'll like be watching it more okay if something funny gets said a couple of them in like you had some pretty like heavy episodes we have had a heavy yeah so
I don't think this is one of those
no no
but it is cu sometimes laughter is covering up pain so maybe this is heavy but maybe it's secretly leave comments
leave comments what do you think Kevin and I are dealing with
if you if you have a medical degree
please leave comments yeah oh please please I would love someone to just analyze
and send the bill to Seaoint digital yes bill@seapoin.digital that's his email um what was the question ask you you're supposed to be asking me questions but I it is making me think of questions for you oh Spotify so you do you are you aware that the video versions are on Spotify Yeah Yeah because sometimes it'll start playing the video and I'm like stop that stop that just audio just it's an audio thing because that's why I'm on the Spotify for audio because I'm working doing something else so
well you can listen and the audio the video just run runs I oh I usually download it oh okay uh cuz sometimes I'm way out in the middle of nowhere got it yeah so I just want to download it have it there not be interrupted or on the plane
this is reminding me in this moment that I need to teach you how to use chapter markers oh yeah because we were trying to find something the other day on it and this is this is not an appropriate topic for the uh podcast though me finding out about chapter markers I think it is because I want everyone to know they exist
okay yeah so the um the podcasts are broken up in the chapters and so if there's a specific topic for example when she did the Instagram uh episode maybe there's something specifically about Instagram that interests you for example you might have heard uh that you post something and people you don't want to see it are seeing it and so you need to change a setting in your Instagram you could go straight to that that part of it what was that part
that wasn't a super accurate um
representation of what you can learn but yep as a person that doesn't have Instagram I feel like it's very cute you listen to that episode and didn't shut it off
so there's agism right there's sexism what is it when you constantly degrade somebody for not having uh Instagram
I don't know but Instagramism yeah clearly clearly that's what I feel towards you yeah what do you what do you think about people that aren't on social media at all what do you have a feeling or
I don't I don't actually I actually clearly like myself yeah I do and I I do understand it I do understand it and I if you listened to that episode you know that I my strong feeling about social media is to protect your peace and if that protects your peace then I support you
so there's a couple reasons I'm not on social media this is not turning into a confessions episode I don't think okay although I guess I am on social media asinia podcast you're going to be now but the reason I don't have my own account um this goes way back cuz obviously I was there when like it started mhm and I said oh there's lots of people I don't know where they are that I've met and friends and things like that I haven't kept in contact with right and so a I was I was afraid that I would spend too much time on it like I like oh I could get sucked into this easily and that was early days before that was really like a concern for a lot of people and and B I didn't want to be I didn't want to spy on people like see just follow them watch what they're doing old friends
and not so I wanted to put the pressure on myself if I really want to know what my old friends are doing I can call them
and or I can sit down and talk to them
the very least message them
yeah I really like I really enjoy talking to people yeah it's such a amazing I think there's so many connections when you're face to face talking to people that we don't even appreciate we don't fully understand
yeah I agree
um because even watching a podcast when it's two people talking face to face is so much better than me watching two people on Zoom podcasting which it's weird because I'm watching it through a screen or just listening to it and yet it makes a difference in my user experience
oh that is interesting for me to know
yeah and I don't know it's hard to explain why so there must be something going on between two people when they're face to face
yeah so you can chat gpt that and see what they
I had a followup question
is that not a thing you that's just funny you keep saying that um I had a question in the middle of what you said and I lost it I don't know
anyway I'm sorry I sh I'm shaming you you know what it is I feel like because I to I do I totally agree with everything you said but and and I like connecting with people that way too but I think the reason I like being on social media is because because I have so many friends that live in so many places I I like being able to keep up with what they're doing and I like the ability to just H be able to leave a quick comment like like just to be able to be like I'm so glad you're doing well you look happy like you got a new dog y whatever and rather than like periodically rather than going like years maybe without ever hearing from them seeing them knowing that they got married whatever and then being like wow what have you been doing the last three years so it's I I like being able to check in that being said I do occasionally take a month two month three month breaks and I will like deactivate and go ghost for a little while because I feel like I'm either spending too much time I'm feeling negative about it or whatever I just need I need a break I need a break from people knowing what I'm doing with my life whatever and then that that helps and then I'm back and yeah so
what's the longest break you've taken in the last few years anyway
uh like four months
whoa four months
that's a that's a substantial break
yeah and then the only re I I don't even know that I would have come back the only reason I did is cuz my dad got sick and I had like a million people messaging me what's going on what's going on what's going on and I didn't feel capable of texting anyone back so I just put up a message on my story being like hey this is what happened we're doing okay so again that was an easy way to communicate with people like hey I'm doing okay he's still alive like whatever so but yeah
it was it it's efficient like it's it's I mean we're in marketing we understand the efficiency of mass communication
so yeah that part of it I think is beautiful Y and that part of it I do regret from time to time when there are certain events yeah uh and that you keep having to essentially repeat the same message over and over again yeah so yeah maybe yeah
it's okay yeah you're just gonna have to like check in with us like a lot yeah sorry about it
uh just put it on the Youtube it'll pop right up yeah
no I mean your life with us
oh yeah yeah yeah yeah well we'll see each other on the video chats all the time the coffee break every other Tuesday yeah or Wednesday every other Wednesday yeah
so anyway next question yeah next question wake up do you need a my question or your question your interview inter me oh I'm interviewing you shoot is there
is there a goal that you're working towards are you already there
so this started because be months leading up to it I was podcasting in my personal time with another friend um he had a podcast and I went on his podcast with my own personal experience that had to do with uh Fitness and my Triathlon and whatever and then after
oh you did a triathlon
I did whoa we'll put it we'll put a pin in that
pin in that and so after I was he was done interviewing me he was like what do you know about you know all these media side of it and he ended up taking me on as his producer and I was just doing that as a hobby in my in my um free time but I ended up learning so much that he you know I started talking more about exploring the idea of us podcasting because I had already learned how to do so much um and it wasn't as hard as I thought in the sense that like how do people even get a podcast on Spotify like how does that happen like and and when I started really looking into it I'm like it's not just a podcast that we will produce because what comes from it is is it's the audio content it's video content it's social media content it's the copy content that can go into Vlogs and so it's content that goes really far and wide for for Seapoint so it's not just oh we have a podcast now it's like no every time we have an episode it gives us like a whole boatload of content for the company
and it's content that can be duplicated um and like I said turned into blogs turned into whatever um and so as you know Bill and I were just kind of talking over like would this be a good idea and he was kind of just like we won't know until we try it and what's the what's the harm in it like right now you know you've got the time and if you want to take on this and at the time like Anna-Lynn and I took it on together some circumstances changed and she's very much still a part of it um but we were just like let's try it let's see how it goes for a while and commit to it um and so the the if nothing nothing else the return on investment is simply every week I've got to produce social media content for us we need to keep our YouTube channel moving in some way we've got to keep blogs going on the website so if nothing else it keeps that stuff moving and that has been amazing for me because because I do our social media I for years have constantly just been like guys we got to like make a Tik Tok or something because I've got to keep it moving and consistency is key in in keeping those things alive
the algorithms happy
correct and so having this where I consistantly every week now have t too much content to to be posting that alone has been super helpful furthermore it's um it's it's showing our audiences it's showing our clients our current clients potential clients that we're knowledgeable on what we do right on all kinds of topics so you know if anyone comes to our site or any of our any of our Pages our YouTube or our social media they can see that uh you know we are knowledgeable on all things digital marketing we have you know the professionalism behind the name because we know about all these different kinds of things so
yeah and there's so many more blogs out there than even though there's a lot of podcasts there's way more blog there's like a Blog for every human on earth practically
there's a lot of podcasts but not nearly as many so yeah having having your foot in podcasting it gives you much more reach
and I was thinking not that the world's leaving blogging all together but obviously there's been a transition where blogging 20 years ago 10 years ago was just the focal point
of online media and now obviously it's not the center of attention for a lot of depending on what you're communicating but when you can turn a blog or you can use a podcast like you mentioned and turn it into a Blog and turn it into a social media post the same content
because most people aren't going to consume your content on different platforms
so yeah there's a Blog out there for somebody
they can read it
somebody else can listen to it on Spotify
somebody else can watch the video and I think that is probably I would say that's a good tip for for any content creators and including companies who are trying to markets like just do even a 10-minute podcast and take that and put it on your different platforms right and get out there yeah
it's it's kind of a it's kind of a um what is the two a shortcut two birds one stone thing two birds one stone one stone two birds no one stone two St wait what how many stones do we need for Birds
it's two birds one stone you had it you hit the first time I think the stone it threw you off
it's kind of like there are many birds and one stone in this situation
like shooting fish in a barrel
don't confuse me you know what I'm getting at
no go on please explain
what I'm saying making this one piece of content gives does so much content this is how we get derailed
we are on the rail this is getting traction
that's what we're doing next question
next question
people often ask what I'm drinking
yeah what are you drinking Kevin what's in my Yeti yeah and what is that Yeti this is a Seapoint digital Yeti and it has vitamin water in it yeah but it's and I was shocked at how sweet vitamin water is I was unaware not drinking a sugarfree one I thought it was vitamins it's like Flintstone vitamins in water remember the Flintstone vitamins when you were a kid I do I do can I quickly tell you a funny story about that um we used to have to take them as kids and my brother didn't want to and so he started flushing his in the toilet vitamin Flintstone vitamins but they're they're I don't know I don't know Kevin his name is also Kevin and so he
is Kevin the male Karen by the way
what does that mean
something to think
he's not a Karen
I know but I'm Kevin and I'm I'm I feel like
oh is the name
yeah is that like the male version of a Karen like did I get a bad name no Mom it wasn't your fault okay Flintstone vitamins toilet take four
he would flush them and one night he forgot to flush them and he left them on the top like they were just in the toilet and my mom found them and she blamed them on my sister and I because obviously her precious son would never do that and so literally our whole lives it was she really blamed it on us and we were like it was Kevin we take our vitamins and she made us take more vitamins that night so we dou
look how healthy you are now
oh my God and then in our adulthood he finally admitted to it and my mom couldn't believe it
no really
she so many things like that happen yeah
you're sibling free though so yeah but the result is obvious that there was no one to blame oh that is hard so they so the only only children get you know oh you're an only child you're spoiled you're all these things you you definitely don't get away with anything
I tried it a few times you know I had broken well let me star over one of my mother's favorite uh candy dishes in the 80s candy dishes were huge I don't know if you remember but if like candy dishes were like Crystal manufacturers made a whole line of candy dishes so my mom had one that somebody had given to her for like an anniversary present like okay so this's candy dish probably lead Crystal by the way give you lead poisoning in your candy but so you have this candy dish and I broke it it broke I'm not confessing to anything it broke
and I got blamed by my mom
I got blamed and it was like probably middle of the morning whatever it must have been summertime and I go I don't know maybe it was Dad
just I was just throwing it out there kind of like a conspiracy theory
I don't know maybe it was Dad right and she said well we'll ask him when he gets home and I thought
yeah you do that
maybe she'll forget that her candy dish broke and she doesn't care anymore uh she didn't forget and Dad denied that it was him because it wasn't him because it was me so I got in trouble and that was explaining to me I'm getting in more trouble because I lied uh huh so blaming dad was not the solution to my problem in that particular case a sibling you could have sibling would have been even a dog yeah oh a dog rabbit blaming the rabbits hard it was an outdoor rabbit yeah that's definitely harder that's how did the rabbit do it it's a rascally rabbit
rascally rabbit
I don't know how they do it that's the rabbit
how does this relate to podcasting I don't know you guys
it seems very relevant
it's getting to know your fellow podcaster
that's right yeah and I do think that that's important and that is one of the things I've learned along this journey uh back on topic is um storytelling is important and um having the ability to know your podcast hosts separate from the podcast so like on social media uh is important people care more
and I think that's the beauty of a podcast versus just a social media post because in a podcast I don't know how long this particular episode's going to go but let's say it's a 30 45 one hour of just com conversation free dive conversation it would be a you have to have a special disability mental disability to be able to present something false for that long
so the people are really getting to know you right and that's that's authentic the challenge is will they like it or not you know that's
the challenge is is wanting them getting them to stay like this conversation's got to be pretty intriguing to keep them listening
this particular one well or
in general but in general yeah um honestly I've I don't because you've had a pretty wide range of topics and a lot of the topics weren't necessarily super relevant to meh with some of your so why did you stay that's a great question for me you know it gets through my workout okay you know it just keeps which part of it though I don't know no I don't know I feel I'm pretty loyal like so once I once I start something I want to see how it ends you know okay haven't you ever felt that way
yeah I have a good attentions man because I'm not on social media yeah that could be I can get through a whole episode tell me your favorite episode or or one of the one of the ones you enjoyed the most the Instagram one I guess pops out to me for some I don't know why I'm not on it but I guess it was I do like to hear how things developed yeah and you kind of explained the evolution of Instagram so I found that to be interesting and on a different podcast years ago I heard an interview with the the founder of Instagram and he explained sort of how it began and how it got traction and some of the little technical details that made them uh beat the competition at the same game because obviously they weren't the only person doing what they did yeah and it was it was an interesting uh podcast to see they had made a a couple of little technical choices that allowed the pictures to upload more easily and more quickly on their platform than a competitor's platform and one of it has to do with the square making the pictures square yeah that was part of it and they had a couple other little technical tricks but you have to find that it's out there on the internet somewhere I don't remember what podcast it was that's good to know but yeah so it was interesting to hear that and then to hear how it developed from your point of view as a consumer
do you feel like as a listener it makes a difference to you to listen to like that was an episode where I was by myself versus episodes where there's two or more people
uh I like both I like both like the the voiceover episode I enjoyed um even though I've never done voiceovers or never thought about that topic really yeah so I guess I just curious person yeah or I'm lonely
yeah just like hearing other people talk
yeah only children
Only children
sometimes it's sad yeah
this is a depressing reason to listen to the free dive
oh we we took that dark turn that I worried knew we'd get there unfortunately I think we're going to have to blame you now no I don't think so because you're the only constant you're constant in this podcast I'm new so are you allowed to roast the Uh the host of the podcast and on this episode we're gonna roast the host
roast the host Kristy roast we've been doing a lot of that off camera yeah it's been fun right
it has been
oh man i' I've had so much fun uh we drove up here to Maine and uh it's been just a blast being up here yeah loving it good by the way I wanted oh this is something I wanted to mention to bill so I guess I'll mention it here and maybe it'll
maybe it'll make it
this is for you so a lot of a lot of the economic problems in small towns in America have to do with resources being taken away sometimes it's just the youth moving to big cities and the next generation of workers aren't there sometimes it's uh big big box corporations moving in and shutting down the local mom and pop stores because they can't compete and what like what's the difference it's the same people may be working there but it's not quite because the main profits being extracted to a corporate headquarters somewhere far away uh so that town is not benefiting the owner of that town is not in that or that shop is not in that town uh but Seapoint is in a small town k m yeah um I don't know how the economy in general is in in K main but it's doing the opposite it's it's taking it has clients all over the country and it's employing people in a small town right um uh and benefiting that small town the owner lives in the town
the employees by and large live in the town
and so Seapoint digital is really helping out small town America in in a unique way
that doing doing a larger agency uh might not benefit a small town in that same way or doing something in New York obviously they do amazing work at any agency anywhere but there's that side benefit of of chipping into a small town
I've never thought about that yeah I never thought about that
so good job Seapoint
good job Seapoint Bill
Bill good job not choosing Brooklyn
yeah for many reasons
it would be hard for you it would be hard for me
I'm not going to Brooklyn I'll tell you that
forget about it many places I I live in Brooklyn 12 years so I have a I have a a special place in my heart from Brooklyn you can hang there I don't it's not for me yeah you know New York is if you really get into it it's a series of small towns so you just have to find the small town that you relate to in New York M and you'll feel very at home like you'll feel so at home because it's in a small town let's say kid's what 10,000 people how many podcasters are there and if that was your super interest how many podcast you can't get together with that many pod well I don't know maybe there's all but in Brooklyn you could probably get together every night with a new group of podcasters and talk podcasting if that was your interests so that's one of the benefits is when you find your little small town your your niche in a big city you have a you have a big culture but social media kind of solves that you can get together with people
that's really what that's a huge game changer right
is that it I think so
I feel like we really exhausted don't you no I don't
so I had a couple of jokes
okay let's do it ah I'm scared I'm just kidding I'm scared I don't have any jokes okay well in that case yeah thanks Kristy thanks for having me Hey Kevin thanks for being here can we make this like an annual event I was kind of thinking I'm like I feel like we could just do this on Riverside sometime yeah did you ever notice in the first um season of The Office Michael Scott he had thinning hair yes and then he didn't yes hair plugs that's kind of what I'm hoping what does that have to do with this this is like season one for me and people be like oh and then season two when I come back next year they be like hey you have more hair did he did his hair just like fill in what are you talking about wouldn't that be great your hair is so full it's insane what are you talking about yeah so that's what we're shooting for I want to follow Michael Scott's trajectory of getting more hair Through The Years okay yeah let's do that let's go for that let's go for that not for me I have enough hair for everyone
oh are you offering if you want to take some like take it home with take it home with you oh your hair sparkles look at that how does that work wait wait wait let's oh we put a pin in your Triathlon hang on take take five so when was this Triathlon
okay so it's been a minute
it's been a second
yeah nine years
um what motivated you to want to do a triathlon someone asked me to do it so I decided to do it okay yeah um was that a special someone in your life or just a friend it was just a friend and uh was it here locally Portland Maine try for try for a cure for breast cancer so it's women only yeah oh yeah and um what about men that care about that topic this this is for women only I don't know yeah and the first the first uh the first what's the first wave of women okay uh is all breast cancer survivors okay yeah um how does it how did it go so you start off with a swim it was yep yeah it starts off as a swim and the the day how long is the swim uh uh half a mile oh okay in the ocean and um the day of the race it was it was in the summer but it was very cold and the water was like 60° and it was thunderstorming okay and they were kind of like this is dangerous but you guys are adults do it if you want to do it so they had they had divers underneath us looking for sharks the whole time too no did they find any if they they didn't tell me and the scary thing about that is I just thought so if there is a shark and I'm out in the middle of the ocean they're going to pop up and go shark and I'm gonna swim they back faster I'm I'm already swimming as fast as I can I can did they have a shark gun maybe I I saw no harpoons there's just people swimming they used to be wailing in the Northeast so they could have had one of those old I think it was mostly to like Comfort us but it wasn't very comforting I think we really got onto a gold mine with this topic um so first leg swimming sharks waves then you like you strip off your wet suit and then you like like disgusting yeah you're on the beach right and you're hustling you're trying to keep moving and like everyone from like the news and radio is like watching you like strip and helping you strip then you're like wet and you have to throw on sneakers and like start running and it's just like everyone's like yay yay you're amazing and I'm like I've just never felt or looked worse in my life and you're taking pictures of me now and it's just so yeah it's just not you don't feel sexy is what you should take away from this you'll do not feel sexy right so you survive so people survive breast cancer and then they're put through this they choose to to choose they're they choose to be put through this to help other people survive breast cancer yeah you have to you have you have to raise sponsorship to do it obviously why can't we raise funds without doing horrible things it's a great question that I can't answer why not like take everybody out to dinner and let's raise money and let's eat lobsters it's you know some it's some people really in love enduring suffering and I was one of those people that day would you say you look back at it and it was a a enjoyable experience even though suffering like you know
no I don't think it was enjoyable
cuz you didn't do it again I think
it was more of like that's something I did yeah
so when I was I think I was in I think I was in sixth grade um and they they do these little runs where you run around the school track to raise funds for the for the school which is I feel like there should be some child labor laws involved because they get the kids to talk to their family and friends and Neighbors to say like will you pay us a certain amount per lap that we can do
oh my word so okay
so I did that and I got my um I had an aunt and uncle every lots of people said like yeah okay and then my aunt and uncle's like yeah like how many laps do you think you do and I'm like I don't know maybe like five they're like okay we'll give like $10 per lap I did like a hundred laps
Oh my word Kevin Kevin Kevin
I didn't know like
how long were the laps
they were just whatever our lap at the school like I guess it's a is it a qu mile mile and you ran 100 of them I did a lot of laps like it was a long like it was like a three it was like half it's like again like child labor loss it was like half the day like you could take like it was like let's have lunch and then okay so you could take breaks and do more it was as long as you wanted to go like and I turns out I didn't realize like I'm a pretty good runner like just like
I didn't realize cause I was a little heavy set in as in my younger years in my in pre-adolescence and so in sixth grade like I didn't look like
a runner
a runner and I think they may have anticipated I wasn't a runner my estimate was
Kevin's not going to run more than five laps let's be honest
right exactly and so it was shocking to them that it affected like their retirement strategy
that's a very good marketing scheme
but thankfully the second mortgage mortgage came through on their house and everything work
oh my word that is a very good story
but I mean you should have seen the stadium that the school built after that it was fantastic
based on based on your scheme of being chubby and running
mat play my part Matt Dam or David Goggins David Goggins can play my part when in the movie yeah so that was um my Triathlon I really love that story
how do you do with running these days
um it's infrequent but uh just last week I was with my parents and I did a couple of Four Mile runs uh in the morning and it was 32 minutes four miles mostly flat I can't do that Ma eight is that 8 Minute miles which so I asked chat gbt I chat gbt it and I said like what's a good like I want like how am I doing I wanted to get like the analytics on this like how did I do and uh at 44 you know and it said like I did pretty good and then I did like so what's world class it's like four minutes I'm like oh come on
8 minute mile is fantastic fantastic
talking about and the chat you be
that's like Olympics the Olympians four or five minutes
yeah exactly 100% anyway it's okay there's always somebody better that's the point that's really that is the point unless you're
do your best but remember there's always somebody else that's a little better and that's okay on that note
on that note
thank you for being here thank you for this interview I really enjoyed it
I really enjoyed it
I know you're going to say this was your favorite and I'll that
I won't know that until after I edit it
I'll accept that modestly but you're welcome
thank you all for listening to this and we'll see you next time