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FreeDive Podcast
Wired for Success: Kyle Figueroa on Mastering Contractor Marketing
In this episode of the FreeDive podcast, we sit down with Kyle Figueroa, the visionary behind Figueroa Electric, to discuss how he's revolutionizing the electrical contracting industry through the power of digital marketing. Kyle shares his journey from traditional electrician to a sought-after expert in luxury home automation, thanks to his innovative use of social media and online marketing tools.
Kyle dives deep into the strategies that have set him apart, from leveraging keywords to mastering platforms like Instagram and Google Ads. He explains how understanding and adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape has not only expanded his business but also positioned him as an all-in-one solution for clients seeking cutting-edge electrical work.
Tune in as Kyle reveals the secrets behind his successful collaborations with other businesses and his approach to time management that balances his thriving business, podcast, and family life. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned contractor, Kyle's insights will inspire you to embrace the digital age and elevate your business to new heights.
Follow Kyle Figueroa:
- Instagram: @figueroa_electric_integration
- LinkedIn: Kyle Figueroa
- Podcast: Resilient Roots
- YouTube: Figueroa Electric
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welcome back to another episode of the free dive podcast I'm your host Kristy Billingslea and today I have a special guest Kyle Figueroa from Figueroa Electrical hi everybody how you doing thank you so much for being here Kyle um
I invited Kyle because I was so excited when I found his Instagram he um
you're an electrician
yes right well electrician also an integrator
yeah yeah you it seems like you're a little bit of a a master of several things and I'm going to let you tell your own story here but um I got really excited when I found you online because I was really impressed with the way that you run your your social media because it is so rare for me to come across contractors that know how to use the internet in general I mean I have so many contractor friends that tell me they don't they don't have the time they don't have the knowledge they don't know how to do so much stuff that I see that you know how to do so I have like a million questions that I want to ask you um and just get to know you and your story so uh where to start I guess just maybe let's just start from a bit of your journey like how did you get started in what you do and what do you do what's your business let's start with that
so for sure so um basically I've been an electrician for a little bit under 20 years now um you know I kind of got to a point where I worked for a company I kind of saw the writing on the wall in the sense that I understood that they were never going to pay me enough to live next door to them so it was one of those things that I I started to see that I'm like okay I need to start creating an exit strategy and that's when I first got on Instagram I was a huge Facebook guy for the longest time I got onto Instagram and you know I started following a few other local electricians and what all started it was uh a friend of mine posted up a video that uh company sent him free tools um and he and he show him pictures of his work and things like that in in my head I'm like my work's a hundred times better than that if he's getting free tools I can get free tools so yeah um one thing I started to do is that then at that point I started looking around to a lot of different other people who are in the space one of my great friends that I've actually that you know I consider him a brother that um he was a huge page on here on there YouTube um Facebook Instagram was um my my friend Adam from completely cordless um he was doing he's doing tool reviews and did a lot with stuff like that and so one thing I noticed was a common theme was that everyone had like a logo everyone had a brand right everyone kind of had something that exemplified them um at that point I set out excuse me I said out that you know what let me start to Brand myself and I understood what that meant and so I set out I you know kind of came up with the logo and you know I went to somebody I had them design me a logo and from there I started to Showcase who I was and you know I built a lot of my following and my brand based off the acronym of PRIDE which is Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence that's something that I really prided myself on pun right it's and and it was one of those things of that you know we ended up uh um you know so it all started with me kind of wanting to get free tools and so I started to do all these different things and I started kind of really showcasing a lot of my work and I started showcasing a lot of tips tips and tricks that I've acquired uh while being in the trade and what ended up happening was I think was fate in the sense of that a lot of young apprentices at that time were then started to reach out to me saying like hey um you know I really appreciate you putting out these videos like my foreman doesn't teach me I'm not being taught like I've been doing this for so long and I just feel like I'm not far enough where I should be in my in my trade or in my journey and what ended up happening was that it turned into a point where I realized that there was a big gap or there was a big uh uh you know a big void in in mentorship that a lot of kids just did not know like hey like you know how do I find or how do I learn this like no one's teaching me anything and I ask these questions and I put myself in these positions and yet no one's trying to help me
for sure yeah
and it turned into me starting to kind of really start to share a lot more of like my experiences and sharing a lot more of my my work and sharing a lot more of my feedback things that I did that have helped me you know progress into the trade and and things like that and you know obviously it grew a following a lot of people ended up you know kind of really supporting it and kind of getting in line um with the vision and things like that and um eventually it led me to finally meet making the decision to start my own company and then at that point the brand that I built up people now knew me and associated that brand with the work that I do and so it really helped me make that exit
it's so interesting you're talking about branding because your brands like your name right like I'm Kristy and you're Kyle and that's how people you know know us and you know your brand and like you're saying like having a logo it's like it really identifies who you are and the fact that you were able to like identify that was like so important and getting you off the ground and then also seeing that there was a a void for this mentorship and how that really like you being one of the the first to do that like created such a big like area for you to grow that's so interesting to me so do you think it was super important for you to learn how to use the tools online um uh properly like do you think video quality was important do you think learning how to use Instagram right was important or did that stuff not come till later were you kind of uh learning as you went
so it was definitely learning as I went I I think back when when Instagram was a much different then um I think a lot of the times the way how the algorithm work and understanding the way and how the trends were at the time um you know it was much easier to create content back then I I feel now is that it's definitely an everchanging uh landscape where um you have to stay up with the trends you have to do this new trendy thing and you have to do this and that's where because I'll be totally honest with you when the trends when reels started going to effect I had a a big drop off because it was something I couldn't get behind and like where it's like almost the old dinosaur part of me wanted to kick it in the sense of like well this is this is this worked for me so I'm gonna keep on doing it and so but it just didn't like it just killed my engagement killed my outreach and a lot of people don't understand that you kind of have to evolve with it a little bit you have to evolve with it right um so when I first started you know for me I realized at that time long long format was probably the the right way to go where people were were the way how the algorithm worked is that the way how showed up on people's pages is that if you had something flashy it wasn't like these quick 5 second reels or three seconds that you had to get to capture someone's engagement then you just kept on scrolling like everyone's like so quick with a swipe right back then it was it was you know you were on people's pages and you were engaged onto that page and the way how content was and the way how content was created and so therefore I felt content was more value um so I think it was a lot more information people were kind of looking at it for more information whereas now it's basically like I to a certain degree I feel it's it's almost become mindless in the sense of like
you know something quick fast and easy it's it's it's that quick dopamine hit of like oh yeah that's nice and just keep on scrolling and and just keep on scrolling and so like you have these engagements of like one to three seconds um and that's kind of where our content is now um and so a lot of my friends who have you know who have very successful pages and that they're also trades guys and that they've made tremendous followings on Tik Tok and all these other and all of these other social media platforms um I've noticed with them their success is in consistency they will just post
and not even so much as like they'll post high quality content in the sense of like where it's of high value it's or it's of like uh a large like you know they have a film crew they have somebody that's doing editing they're doing all these other different stuff like that it's them like setting up their phone they'll just keep on recording recording recording and they'll just keep posting posting posting posting
Yup yup
and they'll post anything about their day you know like and oh hey wait I'm waiting on an inspector or hey this is my service call or hey this is the way how I fix this this is the way how I fix that and they'll have tremendous engagement and they have tremendous success from it one thing that I did with my content and which is probably what you're alluding to is the fact of that I leveraged high value content which is meaning that hiring a social media crew and somebody that's coming out that they're coming out with cameras they're coming out with lighting they're they're they're they're following you around on a project you're you're you're kind of going in with a um poster board and kind of laying out as far as what exactly it is that you're doing with in your day what what's a content like what's the storyline right you're your I use that to rebrand myself and what I mean by that is that I was an electrician first and then we got into a whole brand new landscape which is the integration portion of it I needed to rebrand myself of like I'm no longer Figueroa Electric the commercial electrician I am Figueroa Electric the all-in-one solution and we specialize in luxury Integrations and automations and as well as electrical systems and lighting design and you know we started showcasing a lot of our work that way so the way and how you convey that luxury brand is by you creating luxury content like you're creating the content that coincides with where it is that you want to be right
yep yep so so that's one of the things that um in marketing especially in contractor marketing that people don't always see the value in spending money to make money so um you hiring a social media crew to come in and make this high value content what would you say is the return on investment in that was was there one for you
oh I mean absolutely it was it's because the thing is is that it has allowed me to now showcase and that's the thing is people don't understand that social media is now the new word of mouth it's a new calling card it's it's the new advertising and you know understand that through SEOs and and and everyone's you know on their phone and everyone's typing in like local electricians near me or they hey someone sent me your post because you know and that's the thing is a lot of people and this is where understanding the way how social media works and that people don't understand that Instagram and just the way how you have the caption in your name is essentially SEO so if you notice in like for like in my name I'll have my name but then I'll have luxury Lutron Ketra Control 4 Home Automations the reasons why I do that is that because that is if someone goes into a search bar and they say oh hey this is what I'm looking for they type that in boom here's my name associated with that project or associated with all these other different things but I'm just an electrician so now they're seeing okay now let me kind of go into this and so people or it shows up on their explore page because now their algorithms have now changed and so people don't understand that you know it's it's it's as simple as that it's no different than after this I'm sure that with things that I've mentioned you're going to go on your phone and all of a sudden you're going to start seeing Lutron ads you're going to start seeing this
you're going to start seeing that it's it's just the way and how it works and people just don't understand that that's such a massive tool cool um you know I think for me a lot of the success and I've had tremendous success in that because it's now open the doors where people now see us as that all-in-one solution and so therefore they will now reach out to me and saying hey I love that story that you did or that's a really cool automation that you did like you know hey I want you to come work on our project because our last electrician he's just an old dinosaur all he does is just like you know black and white make a light we really want to um we really want to start getting into this Luxury Landscape we just feel that you know um uh everything we do is so elevated but our electrical just falls flat you see
what I'm saying and then so through the work that I've done and now they're seeing Oh my God I never knew you could do that or hey I've never seen those types of finishes or I didn't know that this was even available like I didn't even know this was even a thing and you know through that now you're educating a whole new generation clients you know
right yep have to know it exists in order to know that you might want it so you have to be able to show that yeah
well well that's that's why we're the professionals right that that's the reason why you contract us it's our job to stay up with the trend it's our jobs to know what's out there it's our jobs to to to to know what works and what doesn't and provide you the best solutions
so um how much how much time um do you spend and and how do you find the time to spend on your marketing versus everything else that you do um yeah let's start with that
so initially when when I started my business I did a lot of the social media content creation myself and so
therefore I would constantly um you know record and I was doing all my own editing and you know it would just it zaps a lot your time
But it was also the fact of that I was always somebody that liked to provide high value content and so even from when I first started I always looked at it as like a movie right it's just like you know how is it that I want to do to kind of engage somebody how is it so like I for me it was always you know high quality graphics um you know editing music and sound effects all these different things like things that just kind of like grab you because the thing is that like you got to under also understand your demographic who it is that you're appealing to right so like for me it was that understanding that a lot of my demographic when I was building my page was because for me I was looking to attract you know the kids that that needed help and so therefore I had to think the way how you know I basically put out content that I would like and that's what engaged me and so like therefore like you know I would use music music was like my biggest thing in the in where um you know a lot of like old school hip hop like R&B like you know just just all these different things but these tracks with these really really nice graphic intros it just oh my God that's my tune like that's my song and people would just stick on for the song and they're just like oh that's that and like and like they would you know you you look into a lot of the content uh lot of the comments in the beginning of those videos and then you would see people that they would just finish the song lyric you know what I'm saying so it was something that was just so cool um so in the beginning it took a lot of my time um then like I said as business kind of started to kind of get going and I started become busier that's where content creation kind of got very very hard for me um and then at that point the algorithm changed that's when reels came apart and reals was really hard for me like reels cuz it completely went against everything that I was cuz I'm like well I'm about I'm all about these long videos like it was so different and carousels and all these different things I was you know I was so big on it and it was it went against everything and I hated it I hated it in the beginning killed my engagement I just went to like crickets and um but at that time I my business was in a transition so I leveraged that that time to basically pull back and I took like a six-month break from from Instagram
and in that six-month break I focused on building up my business as well as getting myself educated on how Instagram was working and what the trends were all these other different things and and in understanding what I needed to do to adapt when I came back it was something that I understood that I needed help right
and so therefore I saw it out and it odly enough another great friend of mine uh John McHugh did a podcast um and the guy who made the video was my friend Ernesto from Aguila Media and Ernesto I loved his style loved his style was like super cool super unique and that's another thing too it's like you got to realize people that that are like your style what it is you want to try and create and things like that and I realized that this is the help that I needed and I actually went out but then at that time my wife and I have been talking about you know doing a podcast and which people don't understand like podcasts are probably massive for your business as well um you know I think that if you are okay with talking in front of a camera and you have something to say or something of value to actually provide having a podcast is great for your business um just because it helps your clients get to know you in a different way um as well as like I said back to SEOs and things like that um so what it is that I ended up doing was that I ended up creating a contract with him and where he created he did all my editing and filming for my podcast he did all the content creations for my other businesses and so like it was like a monthly subscription that I that I invested into and you know if you're going to do something do it do it like you know buy once cry once is kind of like my my motto in the sense of that you know and it's like anything else right like it when when you think about entre entrepreneurship it's like how often are we just walking through the dark praying we're going straight you know and and there's a lot of that investment that whatever it is that you put into it you're only going to get out what you put into it
so if you just think that I'm just gonna pay for it and that automatically I'm going like oh well where's my return well if you're not sharing it if you're not promoting it if you're not collaborating if you're not doing all these other different things then all it is that you did was just pay for some high quality like like cinematography that's about it
but it's like it's like spending all the money on a movie budget but then never promoting it so
and it sounds like you were really good at educating yourself on on your options and the tools at your disposal and then making educated decisions from there
for sure I mean you have to right I mean it's one of those things is that like it it's it's investing it's money right if it don't make dollars it doesn't make sense right
it's one of those things of of that you kind of have to adapt that entrepreneurship mindset and I think that that's really where a lot of the old old contractors or contractors in general that's this is this is um a very scary landscape for them because the thing is is that it's a digital world it's something that that they don't see right um I think for the most part A lot of people are very used and this is just something within people themselves that they want something that's tangible something that they can touch and say I provide this I have this this is what I get from it like you know what I'm saying like go to the grocery store I buy this piece of grocery I eat it I live another day and but it's just like versus like I give you this money you create this content for me we push it up on social media and then it's just like how do I know that this is help me
um in which you know a lot of people if they don't have a website that in place if they're not tracking where they um what's bringing in their clients and things like that if if they're not doing that additional part of that's going to kind of tell you okay where should I be putting my efforts right A lot of people get so sucked in and like they'll spend all the money on Yelp and and you know payer leads and stuff like that and you know which to me yelp's are the biggest scam in the world I absolutely ha y don't get started on um it's one of those things of like it's a quick race at the bottom I feel for a lot of people but um you know for me where a lot of success that I've had have been marketing through Google have been marketing through uh Facebook ads Instagram ads um you know leveraging other websites such as like Next Door where you for the most part a lot of this marketing in in sharing of content it's it's it's free it's free for the most part to kind of get your foot started and and you get your foot the door and just kind of getting like the reps in of learning and how to share content same thing like LinkedIn like and and you know being able to establish professional relationships through LinkedIn and sharing videos and sharing these contents and understand that there's more to business than like oh hey I just need to just do this like well no like you have to put in the groundwork in first like make sure that you have a good web page make sure that you have um something that's gonna a funnel essentially like what's gonna take a cold lead and funnel them to your page and now create them into you know a client you know what's your funnel
yep so and you touched on this briefly in a couple ways how do you think and I've seen this on on your stuff how do you think collaborating with other um businesses other people um other products I don't know if you do sponsorships or you know you were talking about in the beginning you were hoping to just get stuff how how have you done that have you done it well how has that helped you
well Jesus I' I've I've done it pretty well I mean I've I've established a lot of great relationships I've been afforded a lot of tremendous opportunities in the past four years I mean I've had trips where you know flown out by large tool companies and you know doing events with them and you know received tools and and you know honestly like tremendous experiences and where I've met some tremendous people in my life like things that that I will never ever um that never thought possible right through social media that social media has afforded me that right um I've really have some great memories and and and have really established a lot of tremendous relationships to I mean I mean even right now you know what I'm saying like this is a relationship that
Just though networking
yeah through networking and and and obviously um you know becoming a meeting you and following you and and and stuff like that and then it's just things just happen through social media and that that's just really what it is um and so like obviously you saw value in me I saw valuing you and and that's why we're here collaborating right now and so I think that that's super super important it's it's you know networking and that's really where the success lies it's and how much you're willing to collaborate how much you're willing to put yourself out there um and like I said to you be like I mentioned before is that the more you put into this the more you're going to get out and so it's one of those things where I was able to put myself in front of a camera I was able to be vulnerable I was able to be um you know people to see me who I am right and people are just like oh like there's figs right there like Figs is Figs is stand up like if Figs can do it I can do it and and that's the thing is it's just like people who know me and or or if they've never met me they only know me through social media um they'll you know anybody that will tell you it's like the absolute change from when I started to where I am today you know it's an absolute 180 um and so you're able to do that and and a lot of it has come from me being putting myself in positions with people that I've met on Instagram that are in higher places than me
and in surrounding myself with those people it's you know it basically forces you to level up like it's either you level up or you're just not going to you're not going to last you have to you have to rise that occasion
yeah so how are you managing your time you do so much and you also have a big family from what I hear so I mean you've got the podcast thing you've got your business I mean
time management I'll put it to you like this is that has a lot to go into a lot of of the self- growth that I feel um if you talk to any any um high functioning person they'll never say that they're busy um you know because the thing is is that in all reality we create our own schedules so if we're busy it's because we have poor time management skills a lot of people don't realize is that um and you know feeling the need to have to get everything done right then and there and that's something that I'm still trying to figure out God's honest truth I mean like it it's one of those things that um you know it's do I always feel like I'm in a rush or I feel like I I feel the need or like you get the anxiety of like if I don't answer this call right now I'm gonna miss this opportunity and this opportunity can be but the thing is is this is that my business is not going to shut down because I didn't answer some I didn't text someone back in five minutes
you got to be balanced
correct and so I think that that's just really what it is I think I think that people just don't realize is that you make time for whatever it is that you want to make time for and a lot of it just has to be with coordination and understand and prioritizing what's important to you um so therefore it's one of those things of that like I feel with carving out time is that if I feel if it's something that's going to put me in a better position and it's going to bring me closer to my goal that's time worth investing right versus something that's not going to bring me closer to my goal or it's not going to put me where I want to be then I don't bother it's as simple as that I'm like yeah I'm sorry I'm too like you know what I just don't have the time for that you know and it's simple it's simple
do you think that it helps that you really like what you do
I mean you have to you know I
I think so too
I think I think you have to I mean um I think for any level of success you have to be somewhat obsessed right um you have to if one thing I always tell people that if if if you wake up in the middle of the night it's because your dreams waking you up and it's something that you have to work for and so there's times that I wake up in the middle of the night like today being one of them I woke up at one o'clock in the morning I couldn't go to bed because I have places and things I have to do and have to get to so therefore I go downstairs I'll do training modules I'll I'll do my billing I'll do my estimates I will do you know communication drills I will do speaking drills like I I will do these things that I know that are going to improve me and where my end goal is
so what advice would you give to other tradesmen contractors especially ones that are just like I'm not I'm not social media savvy I'm not tech savvy I'm not internet savvy um but you you know there's obviously value in in all of this um maybe they're just they want to be more where do they start what should they do anything that you could offer as advice to them
I think most importantly is that don't get so caught up on what Instagram is or what you feel that the value of the content is you're putting out because understand that something that you may think is dumb or something that you may not think is relevant or whatever it could be absolutely gold to somebody else some of the things that I have shared were absolutely things that I'm like a man I'm like this is every day for me but for some people it's like oh my God this is something completely different and I think that people just over complicate it I think this is where U mindset and self-sabotaging comes into place of that like they feel so well this is unknown this makes me feel uncomfortable I do not want to pursue this because I'd rather not try and not have failed versus try and have failed right and so people are just afraid of failing um I think that if you are an entrepreneur if if if you made the jump from leaving a W2 right like like you left that comfy security blanket of of of receiving a paycheck you've already made the hardest decision you'll ever make right so so at this point what's stopping you like what's the worst that's going to happen like you get some troll and then just keep them moving just just put post something else just keep posting like just just keep posting and just put it up there because you never know and like that's one thing I always tell people like and and exactly like one of the things is like that I share a lot on like my page is a lot about mindset and a lot about um overcoming and changing the way and how you think and the way how you see things right so you know but the thing is is that there's times where I'm super vulnerable now as a trades guy as a man right those are things that if you're either one of those two things they and now forget about it but the thing is is that now by me doing that I have now opened the door for other guys to basically be like you know what man like I'm so happy that you said that because like I've been doing this like and there's so many different things especially from like my own podcast that I opened up and I was able to be vulnerable about and understanding that people have then all of a sudden started telling about their story like people just understand like like you know that's a whole another thing like the whole mental health and and and with trades guys and stuff like that I think so people are so stuck in their ways and and they just feel that it's just so taboo or it's just all the stigmas that go behind it and there that's what just makes them paralized with fear of just trying something different and um don't like who who cares just just you know what I'm saying it's a stranger like and and in nine times out of 10 that stranger is going to probably end up becoming your biggest supporter there I've realized that people that I've met online have supported me in more ways than people that in my own personal life and and and that's just what it is and and understand that like in sometimes in those relationships that you develop um you find yourself you you start you start discovering who you are and who it is that you're meant to be and and it's definitely worked for me in that way because you know I never thought I'd become this Mentor I never thought I'd be helping out young kids I never thought that I'd be helping out men you know kind of uh uh address a demon in their life and and and and you know being able to be vulnerable and all of a sudden have a conversation with their wife have a conversations with their family member that who they haven't sinspire somebody
and it wouldn't have started if you hadn't started if you hadn't got past your fear insecurities and just started posting
well you know what it was it was like it's just my personality right I never I've never um I've had no problem with putting myself out there um I think a lot of it had I think a lot of it had to do with um I think just being true to yourself I think that that's probably my my biggest thing is that I think a lot of people get so caught up in doing what's trendy and then when it's a crash and burn rather than you know understanding this goes back to brand um who you are and what it is that the content you put out that's you and just understand that and it's forever when you put it when you when you take that risk of putting it out on the internet and and and it's there and it's there forever and you know it's just being cautious of of and and that's what I'm saying that it causes for you to level up because the thing is is that if you can look back at a video and you can look back be like oh man Jesus Christ like that's who I was or that's what I said and stuff like that it really makes you real evaluate yourself and just like well you know should work on that
yeah yeah one way or another yeah well that's good advice it's really good advice yeah well this was really really good and really insightful um can you give us of your plugs uh how how do people find you uh how do they contact you where do we find your Instagram
um well it's a Figueroa Electric and Integration well Figueroa electric and integration I think underscore um honestly we'll just tagging at the post I think
Okay we’ll do that
writing on it but uh obviously Figueroa Electric um Instagram is my name my my my my main place um where I like to live things like that that um I also have another podcast uh out with my wife which is called Resilient Roots um where we kind of really address a lot of the um you know the adversities of life in the sense of that um you know between being you know a mixed family uh we're blended family um you know uh stepfather stepmother um you know high conflict no conflict you know having you know being entrepreneurs being a stay-at-home mom um you know we kind of really run the gamut on you know topics in there and then also you know kind of really overcoming a lot of the heavier traumas of life um you know we a lot of that is kind of addressed into that we also have another podcast that's called Hard Hat Horizons where we kind of really open up the um you know kind of open up a platform for for for guys that kind of come on trades guys or trades women that kind of a platform for them to kind of come on
and kind of tell their story about you know how the trades have saved them and and you know a lot of people don't understand that like and even for me um me being in the trades have has really saved me I mean it's one of those things that um I was able I was a young father I was able to provide for my family at such a young age and it's given me the tools to to not only support my family but for other families and so it's just one of those things of that um understanding what what what what the trades can do for you and and not being afraid to take the jump right right um so those are my two podcasts um the other podcast that I work and collaborate with is uh with a friend of mine Ernesto which is called the Ponti Pilas um you know which is kind of like dig in your heels it's it's a kind of like get going type deal like that um he kind of um really really goes through a lot of he interviews a lot of great people that have really overcome a lot of different adversities and kind of have found entrepreneurship and you know to a high success as well um so those are the podcasts I'm on YouTube not very active on there but I still do have a YouTube but you can still give me a follow um we're going to be start posting a lot more content on there as well um figuro electric everything is basically Figueroa Electric uh for the most part in order to kind of find me and um yeah that's probably it that's that's all the plugs that I know of right now
awesome and we'll we'll link it all in the show notes so people can find you so well this was great this was so great we really appreciate you we love your story we appreciate your time so thank you so much and uh
thank you so much for having me on