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FreeDive Podcast
Social Savvy with Kristy – Your Guide to Instagram Updates
Welcome to the first installment of "Social Savvy," where we dive deep into the ever-evolving world of social media! In this episode, we’re focusing on Instagram, the platform that keeps on changing.
From the early days of pinned comments to the latest updates like chat themes and the mysterious vanish mode, we break down the key features and changes that matter most. If you're new to the platform or just need a refresher, this episode is for you!
Join us as we explore Instagram's evolution, including the launch of Reels, the long-awaited ability to upload from desktop, and the introduction of features like close friends and notes. This beginner’s guide sets the stage for what’s to come in our series.
Whether you're a business owner, a social media manager, or just a curious user, tune in to get a solid foundation on Instagram. Stay tuned as we build on this knowledge with more advanced tips and tricks in future episodes.
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hello welcome back to another episode of the free dive podcast I'm your host of
course Kristy Billingslea and as you can see today it's just us we're going
for the solo episode um you know here's the thing about this podcast um we're
just experimenting with all different kinds of things and today we're experimenting how you feel being alone
with me so um it's going to be fun the thing about this is so we've been doing
this podcast for about four months now and um if you've been listening the
whole time uh thank you first of all thank you so much
um I feel like I have learned something new every single
week um nothing has nothing has been like consistent in the sense
that we've had I've been so blessed to have so many good guests and um so many
good conversations so learning so much in the sense of like uh meeting new
people and having good conversations and but nothing has been linear as far as
like how this process has been um I love learning new things but um I have been
forced to learn learn new things very quickly this has just been like a whirlwind from the time of like this is
an idea to the execution and how fast this is going it has just been like I
have to pick this up quick like no time for stopping we're just running full
pace so um you know I'm having fun I do I do enjoy it I'm enjoying it so much so
I'm I'm keeping up with that pace and like let's experiment with new things so here we are um as you can see if you're
watching the video version of this I'm once again in my comfort uh sweatshirt and I'm drinking along with it an orange
Celsius this week I'm really in this belief that eventually one of these
Brands is going to sponsor me um I feel like I'm part of the way there because the episode I did a few weeks ago with
um Anna-Lynn where I was wearing my comfort sweatshirt for that one I tagged comfort
clothing and they did they did see it they commented on a post and they dm' me
so like we're part way there fam like we're so close um I like I I believe in
myself I do so um we're just going to keep we're just we're just going to keep
the dream alive um anyway on to the topic at hand today
we are talking about social media and I feel like this is this is definitely going to be the first of
many um cycling through topics like I've had a lot of people writing like
messaging in which bless you thank you love you so much um about episodes that
we've had and also ideas for upcoming episodes but one that is like recurring
is I often get questions about social media in general and it's funny to me
um funny is not the word it's interesting to me how there are certain
features on Instagram as an example that people people we've been you know
Instagram has now been first first FR of the podcast Instagram has been live since 2010 so it's 14 years old and
there's certain features that people still don't know exist so I don't feel
like I'm like the master at any social media including Instagram but I'm like
man there are just some things that I feel like we could go through together um and talk about and one of the things
that I do here is run primarily me not
only me but um is run our social media accounts um it's a service that we
offer and in the digital marketing World knowing social media is kind of
important but just for fun like on a personal level whether you're in marketing or you just enjoy social media
I feel like it's good to know how these things work there's like hidden features you might not know about um and from a
marketing perspective knowing how to use tools to
your like Advantage like how to use them fully I think is really important and
one of the annoying things the most annoying things about social media is how much it's changed through the years
it's very irritating to me how through the years it's constantly like updating
like every like week it feels like because I feel like I'll get the hang of
it and then it's like just kidding we either took that feature away from you or it's this
now furthermore there are so many social channels it can be frustrating to be
like which one do I long on as a business or as a human um and it's hard
to keep up with all of them that is a struggle that like if you're if you're there with me I see you I feel you I'm
there with you yeah um so thinking about that and your
business where you should be that's a conversation that just to have that conversation would take many hours so we
definitely have to break this down into Parts I'm starting I'm going to start us off with Instagram because I tend to
favor Instagram more than other uh social medias why probably because I'm a
millennial um I don't know uh I think about other ones like Facebook I just I
I have a disdain for Facebook like if that just died today I would love it
love it love it which is funny because it's like like the older brother of
Instagram um and then there's some that I'm just like not on at all like Snapchat because that's very much like
Jen Z people so um anyway we're going to
start with Instagram today and stay to the end because if you don't know I'm
going to reveal a couple of um upcoming things that Instagram is
planning to launch for this year and maybe you're ahead of me and you already
know know that or maybe you don't so you're just going to have to stay to find out so this is not an um completely
inclusive list it is many pages of notes um so I did the work for you guys and um
what I'm going to go through is um a bit of a list of Instagram features that changed Through The Years um some of
them are still in effect and some of them they got rid of but um
I was like as I was like as I was like planning out this podcast I'm thinking to myself like am I in post going to put
up graphics on the video it feels like so much work and I'm still not
like confident if I'm G do that or not I don't know um we'll see we will see how
future Christie feels um yeah that's actually a really good
thing that I would love feeding back on for this podcast is are you enjoying
just listening to the audio are you enjoying having the video as well um the
videos for most episodes are available on Spotify as well and I have had a lot
of people telling me that they like watching the video while they listen um
what kind of person are you is this what you know do you how are you listening is
what I want to know um so yeah so let's get started okay so
Instagram launched in 2010 I also want to know what year you joined Instagram I
will tell you I joined I believe in 2012 and I remember at that time just it
being kind of like a photo dump of your life like whatever you were doing that day here's a picture of the sandwich I'm
eating today it was a little bit how we use Instagram stories now that was how
and it was just like bad photo quality just like here's a very bad photo of
like something I see in my day here you guys all look at it and that was like the post um we had no direction we were
different people back then so um in the beginning 2010 really the biggest things
that we had to work with on Instagram were um hashtags and filters so hashtags
were kind of a a copy from Twitter HS were big on Twitter and so they made their copycat
way over to Instagram for categorizing and that only worked and still only
works if you're on a public profile um I'm going to circle back to hashtags
later because that's a whole other topic but then we also had all of the filters
available you guys remember those um because editing options weren't really a
thing um please tell me what your favorite filter was because to me i h i
tended to be kind of close to what is it called Valencia is that how you
pronounce it I'm looking at all of the available ones now I like the Jakarta
one too um I'm not even seeing like they've added like a
million yeah Valencia I really liked that one um the XPR 2 felt like the cool
one um but yeah I've never been super into black and white myself but and then
there was Nashville Nashville felt like the other cool one what um what filters
were you guys using what ones did you like I'm curious um so then it felt like
not a lot happened for a couple years they were just like here's this new app use it and we did um in
2013 is when tagging your friends started um as well as videos which was a
very big deal for me I remember for a long time feeling like why have they not why have they not given us the video
option yet it feels obvious that we should want to put videos on our Instagram let us add videos and when
they did I was very excited um then they added things like sponsorship deals um and then they added
the DM feature very cool loved being able to DM your friends um so in 2014
they added new editing features so that you could actually not just use filters but like within the app actually edit
you know brightness and contrast and all that stuff that was cool in case you didn't have a way to edit um either in
your phone or another app I don't even remember what kind of phone I was using back then but I do remember that I I
waited I was the kind of person that waited to have a smartphone until like way way way too late after every person
in my life like I was still very much on a non- interet phone like deep into my
adulthood and everybody was like why are you such a loser not having a smartphone and I was like why are you guys all so
obsessed with being on the internet so I feel like I like got a smart phone of
some variety like right around 2012 I and then and now here we are and
we're all addicted I'm addicted so um in August they of 20 4 they launched
um Instagram for business and that came with a whole ability to look at analytics to me the analytics on
Instagram have always been terrible um I feel like what it tells you is so like
not helpful just like here people that follow you are kind of on Instagram
during these times of day and it's like it's the same every day it's like
they're all on Instagram like basically at the same time every day you're
welcome we gave you analytics I'm like thank you for nothing um into 2015 you
were able to run ads as a business then they also launched a cool app uh they
launched a new update uh where you could change from horizontal to Vertical posts
with your photos the annoying thing about that to me was it was like you had to do one or
the other like um once they finally gave us a carousel which I'll get to um but
you could actually post like vertical photos and it wasn't chopping them off October of 2015 they gave us the
boomerang that was a very big deal why was that such a big deal I don't know
but everybody was obsessed with the boomerang and then I feel like a like a
a Time window passed where it was suddenly like the boomerang was not cool anymore and it was like enough with the
boomerang like if you're posting boomerangs it's like why are you so lame like we're sick of the boomerang like
did anyone else experience that it was like the cool thing until it was not the
cool thing just and now I don't even remember it exists so let's bring it
back I say bring it back let it let's have it second round second Rodeo for
the boomerang okay 2016 they gave us the feature of switching between accounts so
if you had multiple Instagram accounts you didn't have to log in log out which was an amazing
update and very smart because I did have um a different business account at that
time and to log out and to log in it was just very irritating and no one no one
wants to remember their passwords and no one wants to type them in so just let us switch and that was a very good
update March of 2016 the uh biggest fail of all time
chronolog chronological order changed and everyone lost their
crap so they decided instead of being able to go through and see who posted
the most recently and seeing every single thing that your friends posted they were like no um instead of that
we're going to do it by like the algorithm and Enga focus on engagement
users that you interact with most which could have been a good idea except it was so flawed it was like there could
just be um like posts that you never saw
and um like maybe it would be like two full weeks would pass and it was like oh
there's my friend Jack and he actually posts this not today but a month ago and
I'm just now seeing it so it was like a really flawed system at least initially
and Instagram was like too bad for you because what are you going to do about it and what were we going to do about it
except for complain which we did um then in May of
2016 uh it came with improved analytics they claim um and translation services as
well as um filtering out comments so um is that something that you knew
existed that you can filter your comments you can so it it's a little bit of a protection and um from abuse blah
blah blah August 2016 is when Instagram stories was released um so that was kind
of a big deal because not all of us want to make everything a permanent post but there's
certain things that we want to share on a temporary basis this was a very big deal for me because I'm like a lot of
things that I want to share with my people are like I don't actually this is not actually important but maybe it's
just like funny or silly it's very fleeting and so to be able to like post
that in like a here I want you to look at this but like only for a second and
then it's gone forever that was very very smart like the marketing team good
job on that one Celsius break I apologize
um so yeah um if you're utilizing stories um as a business it's really
important to be posting on your stories multiple times a week why is that well as people are
going through stories once you start watching a story it forces you to keep watching until you click click out of
them Instagram reads it as oh you're watching this story you must like this
person um or this account and then it decides that you guys are close so the
more that you show up on someone's feed the more it will make you show up on
someone's feed therefore when you post um your posts will come up first so you
have a higher chance of being discovered by your audience um and that includes
people who don't follow you so how do I explain this in this best way
um you have higher discoverability how about I put it that way by by posting
stories more often does that sum it up in a small way I feel like I could get
into it a lot more but that would take a lot of time maybe we can have another podcast going
into discoverability on Instagram later if you want that hit me up um and then
at the same time they uh released the feature for image zoom on posts so being
able to just on someone posts being able to zoom in and out to see it more clearly uh side just a little Side Story
on this which I thought was really cute is my Dad recently was like well I have to get a new phone
because my I can't zoom in and out on my camera and on my photos and I'm like Dad
you can this is a very old man thing to be thinking and he's like no I looked
through all my settings I looked through everything I I tried looking up how to
do it and I can't I don't like I took his phone and I
simply two two finger two finger zoomed and I blew his mind um so if that's a
little bit you right now knowing that Instagram you can also do that on
Instagram I'm not shaming you in any variety but to know that you can
zoom in and out on the photos like it's not it's I'm I hope you learn something
I just want you to learn something okay um moving on now we're going to November
2016 is when Instagram live was launched anyone excited about that I
like I feel like I've used that maybe a handful of times
um some people are hyped about it it is very helpful for business businesses um
again for discoverability uh on a personal level uh I used it recently to watch my brother get a haircut
so you know there's all kinds of reasons to use it February 2017 is when
carousels were released okay this I feel like was another big one for Instagram
because how people people were getting really annoyed with people that posted more than once a day if you were
flooding people's feed with like a million of of your wedding photos or your trip to Disney or God forbid your
baby or your dog like people hated it so to be able to in one
post be able to um put all your photos in one post and
like not harass everyone with your baby like people were really loving that no
no shade on the babies um very big deal up to 10 photos uh I'm going to give you
a little bit of a slight secret for the future now that you may already know but
Instagram is releasing larger Carousel limit they've already put it into like a beta for
certain users I'm a little bit offended that I'm not one of the chosen users I don't really know what you have to be to
be chosen not not sure cuz I have it's not like a it's not like a for verified
accounts or for people that have million followers cuz I have some friends who you know only have 200 followers um with
private accounts and they've been given you know the Golden Goblet to have the
carousel rights to post 20 photos I don't have it yet I don't know eventually we'll all have it don't
know when but that's coming soon I don't know if you care about that I care about it um because again sometimes choosing
only 10 photos from an event or trip or whatever it can be hard to pick 10 I
can't believe we lived in a time where we could only ever post one so that time's coming guys get excited um moving
on to 2018 is when they were they um launched the mute feature another one
that I just thank you Instagram for the mute feature because uh maybe there's
someone you don't want to unfollow that that's touchy right um but
you're sick of seeing their stuff or it's whatever your reasons are I no judgment maybe you're sick of seeing my
stuff and extra no judgment here's my here is my feeling on social media in
general do what you got to do to protect your peace protect your peace at all costs so
if that's block unfollow do that the mute option is has
become a beautiful way of protecting your peace okay social media should not
be a reason that anyone feels out of peace so this is both for at the
time uh posts and stories it now
includes um I want to go back and make sure I'm not saying anything incorrect But it includes notes let me make sure
there's nothing else I'm forgetting um mute so notes as well I'm trying to mute
myself and all it's giving me the option for is posts and stories but I know that you can mute notes
when I say mute myself I'm saying from C Point's account going to my personal account in case that was a confusing
statement for anyone um so yeah
muting became a big deal at least for me so yeah June
2018 they were launched they launched Instagram TV you guys remember that for
so many people it was like we don't care about this at all um but it was for it
was like the original reals feature it was for videos longer than one minute and it was for vertical videos so in my
memory it was for up to 10 minutes or at a certain point they let it become 10 minutes
um so this was it like it went through a lot of testing and a lot of
like like this is not working people don't care about this they tried to make it like its own like TV channel making
it look hip and cool and I feel like most people were like this is dumb and we actually aren't going to use it and
don't care and that did feel mostly how it was I I used it because I liked that
I could post longer videos um but it did seem a bit like a flop which it was um
and we'll come back to that so in uh skipping ahead a whole year there were a lot of little up
updates that happened through here things like branding updates and sponsorship things updated blah blah
blah but October 2019 the following tab was removed do
you guys remember the following tab so this was a tab where you could go and
see what the people that you were following were doing relationship Destroyer is what it
was so if you were into the drama of it all this was a magical place to
hang out and find the tea um if your boyfriend was liking other girls photos
you knew it if he was commenting some hard eyes on some girls pictures you
knew it um which is ultimately why they got rid of it because it was a bit of an
invasion of privacy right like I feel like it we can all agree on that it was
like I don't want everyone knowing what I'm commenting on on other people's
posts and what I'm liking um we get a bit of that now because if you go on
Instagram and you finish looking through your feed and eventually you reach the
suggested for you bit you will see just random posts that in Instagram thinks
that you're interested in and every now and then I'll see a post and it will tell me that one of my friends has liked
it okay so that's like the closest we get and every now and then it's a little bit funny because I'll just see that one
of my friends liked something that's a little bit like edgy we'll go with edgy
and um sometimes I'll send it to them and be like you know I can see that you liked this right like be careful what
you're liking out there fam because people can see it so just be careful be
careful what you're doing on the internet people know people do know
um sometimes I will like stuff on purpose because I know people can see it and I just want to cause trouble this is
you know why not it's you know harmless okay may 2020 so 2020 pandemic
World um is when they were really trying to get into things and I feel like they
did nothing but the shops were launched so you could purchase things on on Instagram June 2020 is when pinned
comment came out which In My Memory I'm like I don't even really remember anyone using
that like maybe sometimes that was big on Tik Tok but seeing this on Instagram
like right now I'm trying to do it yeah I guess I can pin a comment but I don't ever really see
people taking like like using that do you guys I don't know you can pin a comment if
you want and the purpose of it is if you want it to appear at the Top If you tend to get a lot of comments comments
especially on a business page someone comments something that is
um you know nice or very applicable to your post or funny or whatever and you
want that to be the comment that everyone sees pin it to the top and then you'll know that everyone will see it
okay that's still available August 2020 is when reals was released and replaced
in stag TV this was in competition with Tik Tok they saw what Tik Tok was doing
Tik Tok was like thriving during the pandemic and Instagram thought we got to do something and so they
did um in my opinion Instagram reals
will never be Tik Tok um everything is secondhand from Tik
Tok anyway um but is it important to have your business on Instagram reals
yes it is yes it is should the content be slightly different in my opinion yes
it should um I don't think everything that's on Tik Tok should be on every every other
platform that's a conversation for another day um but this was a big deal I
find it very irritating that there's a limit time limit on reals I feel like that's a bit of a flaw
in the system um if after I think it's 90 seconds now it's no longer real it's
a post and so it's categorized different anyway I don't know I feel like there's a flaw in that but anyway
2021 many things happened I think it was in September the swipe up feature in
your DMs on your on your stories was released so people swiping up on your
stuff that was in 2021 and that feels weird to me it feels like it's been longer than that that you've been able
to swipe up on your on your posts
um October 2021 this one was a big deal for me being able to upload on a desktop
I can't tell you so you know working working for our business account needing
to upload even just an image but definitely a video and the like absolute
Hoops I would have to jump through sometimes if I had my content on my computer wanted to post it on Instagram
and it was like Don I don't need to add anything to it I don't need to filter it I don't need to put any stickers or blah
blah blah on it and I just wanted to post it and the weird ways I had to teach myself how to use my Chrome
browser to hack the system to convince it that my Chrome brow my Chrome desktop
was actually a phone to let it upload I felt very like do I work in it I kind of
do like I know what I use like yeah I'm a bit of a hacker actually but the time
it saved me just letting us upload on the desktop like thank you like that feels like it should have been very
obvious um and at the same time being able to share links on your stories okay
this was something they gate gatee kept kept gatee kept um for famous people
only for a long time and it was like well once you have 100,000
followers you can earn your way into sharing links on stories but until then
this is for important people only to be able to share a link on your stories and
I was just like okay cool um not to be a downer or whatever I'm never going to
have I'm not never going to have that many followers I'm not even going to like try I'm going to try okay guys I
take it back I'm going to try I would love it I mean a little bit I would love it but did I really see me going from
like at the time like 800 followers to 100,000 anytime soon no the answer is no
and so how annoying that was because in order to share a story and Link like a
blog or a video or whatever and want people to be able to go to said website
and then have to be like well I I can't tell you where it is you have to go find it in other way considering you also
can't share links on a post like very irritating so them just
gifting us that beautiful thank you Instagram loved it thanks for not making
us feel like we're not as good and important as celebrities thanks we know
that um then in December 2021 there was uh an
increased importance on safety where they did things like uh more parental
controls um they gave us the your activity feature so you can go through
and see like how much time you're spending on Instagram and what you're doing with your time and then the take a break feature um so you can uh just kind
of if you don't have a lot of self-control give yourself self-control uh I don't I don't believe
in that so if you believe in that I believe in you
um January 2022 the chronological order
returned kind of heavy on kind of I don't know you guys tell me like is
this something that you feel like is actually happening in your posts
like uh for me personally I feel like if
it's Hit or Miss I understand like Instagram's algorithm and the way that
they want you to see they it's it's a little creepy it's a stalker okay and it
learns who you're friends with and who you're close friends with um and who's looking at your page and who's liking
your stuff and who's commenting and who's watching your stories and who's engaging with your stories and it's like
cool so this is um your bestie this is your like um your secret crush like this
is your mom so we want to send all of that stuff to them first fair I want those people to see my
stuff kind of but I want to see everyone's stuff I want to see my second cousin like I want to see their post of
their dog so like I want all of it I feel like it's gotten better
personally there was a period of time when it wasn't as good I feel like it's gotten better please tell me if you
agree I do want to know um I have no in with Instagram like just in case that
wasn't obvious like I don't like I it's hard I don't want to break it to you I'm going break it to you I have no
authority to go back to Instagram and tell them um my podcast followers are
furious at how you're doing things um I could try I am very good at angry letter
writing and I'll do it for you if you message me
um and at the same time they gave us pinned posts so let's say um you really
like a couple of your photos videos whatever those um you can pin just like
the comments top of your page so anytime someone goes to your profile they will always see those ones first uh are you
taking advantage of that I gave it a go at one point point I was like I guess
this photo that I took is the best one and then I'm like it's not it's just
not so there's nothing special about it um people tend to use it uh the way
that I've seen it used the most intelligently is um for creators who create like an about me
post in order to not have to keep doing that over and over as they get new followers like just keep that one post
at the top that makes sense to me I'm doing a lot of hand gestures and I'm sorry I should really
be chilling out with my hands okay 2023 they gave us the notes feature um
this was weird it weirded everyone out it was it when it first La when it first launched I felt like it was a bit of um
having an aim aim AOL away status and I got very excited about that because the
millennial in me was just kind of like ooh a way to put like a moody angry um
passive aggressive or just like really mysterious like like
away like message about how my feelings are with no context I live for that um
can't do it at 35 years old I cannot do it um and I don't think that anyone's
doing that however I like that you can put um a song up there I really like sharing my
music we're going to make this about me while I'll have a podcast if you can't make it about yourself um I really like
sharing my music um I probably my most toxic trait is thinking I have better
music taste than everyone not better I have great music to share so I'm going
to share it okay um I enjoy bonding through music how about we leave it
there and being able to like put a little snippet in the note I enjoy that from
time to time so anyway I I feel like I see maybe like
three or four of my like people that I follow using it during the week and that's like it so are you a notes user
please tell me that as well um now were these ones oh then also
in 2023 my handwriting is really bad and then when I'm excited I write really
fast and then I can't even read my own handwriting um they also gave us chat no no no these are in 2024 things that have
happened so far this year I think don't come for me for complete
accuracy and don't hold me to this I'll deny everything um chat themes I don't
really feel like anyone cares about that and that's reminding me in this moment I didn't write this down have you guys
used the like in like it's like what is it called invisibility disappear in your
DM mode so like it's kind of like if you want your conversation to like disappear
immediately when you're done you can make it disappear this is not helpful
what I'm saying um that exists I don't want to test it out because I don't want
to lose my conversations it's like what is it called invisibility mode
oh vanish mode swipe up to turn on vanish mode so basically you can have a
sneaky conversation and then it will be gone so I don't really know when that started I feel like it was last
year you're learning things um red receipts and message editing message
editing is new and I appreciate it because when I'm excited I also type quickly and then I type out things that
you know don't even make sense so to be able to be like you're stupid chrisy go back and fix that I can do that okay
close friends posts are also pretty new um so
the way that you can make did I did we even talk about close friends stories like where did that happen I don't think
we talked about that I don't know when that happened um that was good because um sometimes
there's stuff you only want to send with people people who share your sense of humor and will not be offended um and so
you can put those people on your close friends stories and um I really like
that feature personally um yeah I feel like I it's kind of funny
because I recently so I use that for business too and I do think and I know that is important to be using it for
business as well um you can use it to give out special announcements to to um
people that follow your business um or just make people feel like they are
closer to you than they are or they are um but I recently
had on C Point's close friends I think I probably have like I don't know if I
should share the number because I don't want people to feel like they're not close anymore I have a lot of people on
our close friends um and I added someone's like sister and
she was so excited and felt so honored and I'm just like that's very cute and
um people feel good when they get added to your close friends or alternatively they feel creeped out so it's one of two
things um for my personal account I don't care if I creep people
out by adding them to my close friends that's where I stand period unfollow me I don't care I zero% care so um if I
want you to see a thing I'll add you bottom line and so I I will add anyone I
want um but then it's funny who I see add me to their close friends I'm like
oh my gosh I didn't even know we were that close that is so like wow we are so
close how I believe it should be used um outside of like this psychological are
we actually close from thing if you have a public page
right and you don't want people who are not who don't in fact know you to be
seeing personal things and you can add them and for a while I was doing that on my personal page you know I was using my
personal page to share um my drone content and so I had it public but I
really only wanted people that I knew personally to see the things of my
personal life that I was sharing on my stories and so I had everyone that I
knew personally on my close friends so my close friend story had like I don't know like 250 people on it so it could
have creeped people out like why why am I on her close friends we're not even that close I've only spoken to her once
but anyway there's a lot of uh a lot of things to work out there but anyway
close friends posts work the same way um I have not seen this used not one time
or people are not putting me on their close friends um and I don't think it's
the second one because I'm I have a lot of people like I've I'm on a lot of
people's close friends stories I think either people just don't know it exists
or they don't know how to use it or they don't care which one is it I'm kind of curious
I do want feedback on this one did you guys know this existed so um when you go
to post post let's just go through this together like I'm going to post something um let's make a post and you
hit next post your photo you hit next again and then let's see if I can even remember
how to do this Advanced is that where we go oh
this is going to embarrass me now okay
so in all of the this is like not going to work I don't know how to make it so
you can see it anyway um when you get to the place where
you're like editing the caption you know you can add the location you can tag people blah blah blah you want to go
down to audience and it will be automatically on set on followers you
can click it and change it to your close friends and there you can go directly into your close friends and edit it and
either add or delete people from your close friends um and that post will only show to them here's the question I have
and I don't know this if at any point I add or remove close friends will those
people still be able to see that post I want to AB test this I want to figure out how and I don't know how so um
anyway that's a thing okay we are concluding with the
updates for 2024 that are yet to come so the first one is and now don't hold
me to these okay these are hypotheticals that I saw on the internet that are supposed to come out and if they never
come out and I want you coming back to me and the free dive podcast and being like I was promised Instagram updates
that never happened alternatively when they come out I do want you to be posting on Instagram I heard this first
from chrisy from the free dive podcast thank you so much okay friend Maps uh from Snapchat is what I'm
hearing um where you can stock the location of your friends here's here's where I stand on
uh stalking people's location it sounds really cool
um personally I will literally never give anyone my location ever not one
person ever zero people no one will ever have my location as long as I live or
die um that's where it stand so this won't ever apply to me
um yeah doesn't apply to me uh if you're a person who likes seeing where your
besties are and if they're at the McDonald's this will be cool for you um
if you're a Snapchat person and you like using that feature it's coming to Instagram the second one flip side and
even closer close friends I'm excited for this one guys I'm really excited for
this one I've been saying for literally years since they released close friends
I think there should be an even higher tier of close friends here's why not
everyone including my close friends wants to see a million photos of my cat they're not all they're not all bear
fans right and I don't want to have to com edit my close friends list every
time I want to post something obnoxious I just don't so I really do want a
higher tier of my closest close poose friends so that I don't have to keep editing it all the time because I do so
um this feels like a a new way to protect my peace and enjoy my Instagram
so it's called Flipside um they're saying it's like having a what the kids
are calling a Fina for your story I'm too old for Fina personally
but um yeah it's supposed to be coming I don't know when maybe you already knew
this that's the end of my notes um that's the end of my my knowledge um is it completely inclusive like I said no
um I hope this was educational for you uh and taking a trip back in memory lane
of all the things that Instagram's done to us um if there's something I forgot please remind me and if you know
of more secret Instagram tips and tricks or things coming even better please tell
me because I want to know the inside things um yeah so I feel like we're definitely
going to have to do more parts on how to use your Instagram to its greater
potential especially for your business this was just kind of an opener um yeah
cor crash course on where we've been and where we're going um um but I thought it
was a blast from the past as it were so um would like to get into the other
social media channels as well in the future um I felt like this was just a good way for us to spend time me and you
so um it's been fun it's been really fun um last shout out to comfort and to
Celsius it's your girl please sponsor me um you know drop in my DMs give me free
stuff everyone is on board for that okay we we want it so
please okay thank you so much for being here if you stay till the end I love you so much you are my close friend you're
my closest friend please follow us at Seapoint’s Instagram so I can put you on our
close friends you know what follow my personal one I'll add you there too and then when I get a flip side I won't put
you on that how about that okay if you learned something today please please rate US review us
subscribe us follow us all of those things it means the world okay I love you guys so much and we'll see you next time